
The Birth of the Church - Acts 1:4-5,14 and 2:1, 13

Quote: How good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity.


I. United in Expectation ( vv. 1:4-5)

II. United in Prayer (v. 1:14)

III. United in Location and Purpose (2:1,13)


1- Why do you think the Church does not spend time discussing Jesus’

Ascension and Pentecost?

2- What did you learn from our discussion on the two baptisms?

3- What do you think of the statement: “Nothing builds unity amongst

believers any more than carrying one another’s burdens to the Lord

in prayer”.

4- What did you learn concerning the “significance” and “importance” of


5- Have you ever been guilty of trying to explain the “supernatural” by

using “science”?

Ministry Opportunities:

22nd - Corporate Praise/Prayer/Bible Study- 7-9pm

26th – Graduation Sunday ( all high school and post graduate students-

Junior College, Trade School, Undergraduate, Post-Graduate)

"A Matter of Life Death" - 1 Samuel 20:1-3

Outline-May 28, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 20:1-3

Title: A Matter of Life and Death

Quote: When saints fall into the trap of trusting in their gifts and talents, faith

dies and fear gets a chokehold on the soul!


I. Sin Leading To Death (v. 1)

II. Life and Death (vv. 2-3)


1. Where do you flee when pressure/stress intensify in your life?

2. Where does fear drive you? What do you think of the following statement:

“Despite our best intentions, we often give in to fear more than we do to

faith”? What did you learn about the role fear plays in your life?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on the brevity of life?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on friendship?

Ministry Opportunities:

31 st - Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

31 st - Corporate Bible Study-8pm- Application Church of Pergamum

3 rd - Couples’ Small Group- “Healthy Conflict Management”- 10:30am

4 th - Lord’s Supper