
Focusing on What I Must Do- Not on What I Can Do - Nehemiah 2:11-18

June 7th-Outline

Text: Nehemiah 2:11-18

Title: Focusing on What I Must Do- Not on What I Can Do

Quote:  Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality


I.                Focused ( vv.11-12)

II.              Fathomed (vv. 13-16)

III.            Fortified ( vv. 17-18)



1.     Do you have difficulties focusing?  Do you have difficulties eliminating non-essentials?  Are you guilty of trying to do too many things at once?

2.    Do you have a problem with delegating?  Do you attempt to delegate task that are your responsibility?

3.    Are you a physical hoarder?  Are you a spiritual hoarder?

4.    In your relationships, your marriage, your parenting, did you/do you use more plural pronouns (we, us) or more singular pronouns (I, me, you)?

5.    Are you more of a boss or a leader?

6.    What did you learn from the rules of God’s Vision/Plan casting?  What did you learn about the 4 principles of godly leadership?

Ministry Opportunities:

10th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

10th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

13th- PASS-Virtual Hike for Life ( see to make donations