
ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 

ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 


I. GOD's timing (v.10) 

II. GOD's Plan (v.11) 


Be patient - GOD has HIS timing all worked out! 


1. How do you deal with GOD using you to share news and / or a message that will probably not be well received? 

2. In what areas did GOD refine you in 2019? Was it pleasant or painful? 

3. How much does your timing line up with GOD's timing? Do you , at times, foolishly believe that you can hurry GOD's timing? Do you truly believe that GOD;s timing is perfect? 

ssefc 12/29/19 "Come Let Us Adore HIM" - Psalm 95:1-3 

ssefc 12/29/19 "Come Let Us Adore HIM" - Psalm 95:1-3 


I. Come and Rejoice (vv.1-2) 

II. Come and Adore HIS greatness (v.3) 


The lack of worship in our day is due to a lack of recognition of GOD


1. What is the basis/ foundation for you "coming" to the LORD ALMIGHTY? 

2. What do you think of the following statement: When we worship , we give up ourselves and give our lives over to GOD ? 

3. How do you recognize GOD's worth in your life? 

4. Have you ever demanded or believed you were owed blessings from GOD? 

5. What does it mean to you that " GOD is Great"?