promises of GOD

"Living With Urgency, " Text: 1 Thessalonian's 5:1-11

Guest Speaker: Elder Joseph Hyligar

Outline- July 17, 2022

Title: Please Hold for A Very Important Message

Text: 1 Thessalonian's 5:1-11

Ministry Opportunities:

There will be no Corporate Prayer or Bible Study on July 20th or 27th. Corporate Prayer and Bible Study will resume on August 3rd.

Pastor is on vacation from 7/15-8/2

"Waiting With All Hope," Psalm 130:5-8

Outline- July 3, 2022

Title: “Waiting With All Hope”

Text: Psalm 130:5-8

Quote: Waiting is an act of faith


I. God of Hope (vv. 5-6)

II. God of Abundance (vv. 7-8)


1. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the “Three Elements About Spiritual Waiting”?

2. What did you learn reason “We Wait on The Lord”?

3. What did you learn about waiting on the Lord?

4. What did you learn about the Lord’s unfailing love?

Ministry Opportunities:

6th- Corporate Praises and Prayers- 7pm-7:45pm

6th Corporate Bible Study Titus 1- 8pm

9th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30-9am

14th- 31st – Pastor’s Vacation

"My Heavenly Father Is Able," Text: Jude 24-25

Text: Jude 24-25

Title: My Heavenly Father Is Able

Quote: No one but our Heavenly Father knows the depth of sin in our hearts.


I. Jesus’ Ministry-Preventing Down Here (v.24a)

II. Jesus’ Ministry-Presenting Up There (v. 24b)

III. Jesus Marvelous, Mighty, Magnificent (v. 25)


1. Do you understand the importance of knowing our Heavenly Father is able?

2. Do you sometimes think that you are “keeping” yourself?

3. What do you think of the quote: “No one but our Heavenly Father knows the depth of sin in our hearts?

4. Meditate on Jude 25- Write down your thoughts, your observations.

Ministry Opportunities

22nd- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7pm

22nd- Corporate Bible Study- Titus 1

29th- Church Picnic-Immediately after Worship Service weather permitting.

"Gauging Your Fuel Tank"-Text: Esther 5:9-14

Outline-February 27, 2022

Title: Gauging Your Fuel Tank

Text: Esther 5:9-14

Quote: Earthly pleasures and possessions lack the weightiness and worthiness to sustain joy forever.


I. Fading Joy ( v.9a)

II. Raging Anger ( vv. 9b-10)

III. Diminishing Satisfaction ( vv. 11-14)


1. What did you learn about spiritual joy? How does it differ from physical/earthly joy? Which do you primarily live by?

2. What type of anger best describes you? What did you learn from discussion on “Steps To Address Anger”?

3. Do you suffer from diminishing satisfaction? If yes, why?