Outline-July 2, 2022
Text: 1 Samuel 23:1-5, 10-12
Title: Lead Me, Guide Me
Quote: Before victory comes obedience
I. Obedience Is Seeking God’s Direction ( vv. 1-2)
II. Obedience In Leading God’s People (vv. 3-5)
III. Obedience Is Accepting Betrayal (vv. 10-12)
1. What did you learn from our two-part steps relating to obedience?
2. What did you learn from our discussion on inquiring of the Lord?
3. What did you learn from our discussion on reasons for following chosen leaders?
4. What do you think of the following statement: Do not expect everybody you help to appreciate what you have done?
Ministry Opportunities:
2nd- Lord’s Supper
5th – Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) and Corporate Bible Study (8pm)
16th – Members’ Meeting-After Morning Service
VBS Meeting and Decoration ( After Members’ Meeting)
19th-21st- VBS- 7-8:30 (Email Pastor Denny for more information)
23rd – Church Picnic- After Morning Service
30th – Sunday School-9:30