walking in faith

“ Moving Forward"-Exodus 14:15-20

Outline-October 17, 2021

Text: Exodus 14:15-20

Title: “Moving Forward”

Quote: Too many people no longer hope for the best. They just hope to avoid the worst.


I. God’s Moving Instruction (vv.15-18)

II. God’s Moving Protection (vv. 19-20)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you been guilty of crying out to God when He has already told you to move forward? What reason(s) do you use for failing to move forward?

2. What did you learn from our discussion of moving forward with the Lord?

3. What did you learn from our discussion concerning faithfully obeying God’s moving instructions?

4. Do you view God as your Protector both spiritually and physically? Why? Why not?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th-Pastor’s Appreciation

20th -Corporate Prayer and Corporate Bible Study- 7-7:40pm and 8-9pm (2 Cor. 11:27-33)

22nd – Youth Small Group

• November 2nd 7:00 Zoom Advisory Board Mtg. ( All leaders)

“ God's Difficult Paths"-Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Outline-October 3, 2021

Title: God’s Difficult Paths

Text: Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Quote: Sometimes the path God lights up for us will look crazy to us as well as others; however, God has a reason for the path He sets before us.


I. God’s Path of Confusion (vv. 1-4)

II. God’s Path of Suffering (vv. 10-12)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever thought the path that God had you on was crazy?

2. When was the last time you cried out to the Lord- not in faith, but in doubt?

3. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the three failures?

4. Do you truly believe that sometimes tough/difficult times are gifts from God to help us grow spiritually?

5. How are you living out 1 Peter 4:12?

6. What did you learn from our discussion concerning why we face difficulties?

7. What did you learn from our discussion concerning when we face a tough time we often panic and then. . . . ?

Ministry Opportunities:

6th- Praise and Prayer- 7:00pm-7:40pm

6th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:20-29

9th- Men’s Small Group- 7:30am-9am

16th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am-11:30am

17th- Pastor’s Appreciation