
Living The Godly Life; Eph. 4:25-32

Outline-December 12, 2021

Text: Eph. 4:25-32

Title: Living The Godly Life


1. Speak Truthfully

2. Be Angry Righteously

3. Work Diligently

4. Take God Seriously

5. Forgive Compassionately

Ministry Opportunities:

December 15th – Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- 7pm and 8pm

December 18th –Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

December 19th- Kidz Zone-During Morning Worship

December 19th – Members’ Meeting-after Morning Worship

“Tis The Season"-Micah 2

Sermon Outline- December 5, 2021

Text: Micah 2

Title: Tis The Season

Quote: Jesus is the One who takes our barren life and by His grace turns our life into a fruitful life for His glory.


I. The Advent Season (Introduction)

II. The Prophecy (v.2)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about the celebration of The Advent Season? How will you and your family celebrate The Advent Season?

2. What did you learn about Bethlehem?

3. Are you able to understand the beauty and importance of the Doctrine of Hypostatic Union?

Ministry Opportunities:

7th – Corporate Prayer- 7pm

7th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 12:9-10/Application

10th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30am

19th – Church Members’ Meeting- following Morning Service

“Half-Empty Saints"-Exodus 16: 1-8

Text: Exodus 16:1-8

Title: “Half-Empty Saints”

Quote: Testing is a part of life. When one test ends, another starts.


I. Ungodly Progression ( vv. 1-2)

II. Ungodly Perception ( v. 3)

III. Godly Provision (vv. 4-8)


1. Do you truly believe the Lord will provide for you until you reach your final destination?

2. Do you suffer from having a “spiritual perception problem”?

3. Have you recently had a legitimate need but tried to meet it in an illegitimate fashion?

4. What do you think about the statement” Testing is a part of life-when one test ends another starts?”

5. Are you a “half-empty saint”?

Ministry Opportunities:

4th- Couples’ Small Group

19th- End of Year Meeting following Morning Service

“ Song of Rapha"-Exodus 15:25-27

Outline- November 21, 2021

Title: Song of Rapha

Text: Exodus 15:25-27

Quote: Sometimes God simply wants to transform what you already have


I. Song of Rapha ( vv. 25-26)

II. Song of Refreshing (v.27)

Sermon Application:

1. What or Who is the anchor of your life? Why?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on –“Why does God test us?”

3. What do you think about the statement- It’s one thing to know something and quite another thing to know how to apply that truth to our circumstances?

4. How has Jehovah Rapha healed you? How is Jehovah Rapha healing you presently?

5. Where and when did God provide you your last Elim?

Ministry Opportunities:

24th- Corporate Prayer-Night of Thanksgiving

24th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

27th- Youth Small Group

28th – Kidz Zone (ages 5-12) - contact Sis. Skeeter or Sis. Sharon for zoom link

"Singing the Marah Blues" - Exodus 15:22-27

Outline-November 14, 2021

Text: Exodus 15:22-27

Title: Singing The Marah Blues

Quote: God uses all the times of life to shape us into His image.


I. Song of Bitterness ( vv. 22-23)

II. Song of Disappointment ( v.24)

Sermon Application:

1. What can you do to prepare yourself for the “highs” and “lows” of life?

2. What did you learn about the dangers of “bitterness”?

3. What did you learn about the dangers of “disappointment”? Have you ever been disappointed with God?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on possible reasons for complaining/grumbling? What did you learn from our discussion concerning how you can overcome complaining/grumbling?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th- Corporate Prayer and Corporate Bible Studies ( 2 Cor. 12) – 7-9pm

18th- Pastoral Ministerial- 11:30-1- Villa Park

20th- Kidz Zone- get zoom link from Sis. Skeeter, Sis. Sharon

"Praise Him" - Exodus 15:1-18

Outline- November 7, 2021

Title: Praise Him

Text: Exodus 15:1-18

Quote: Salvation and song are like Siamese twins that go together

Sermon Application:

1. What do you normally sing about? When was the last time you sung about God? Do the songs that you listen to praise God?

2. Does your praise normally include the past, present, and future goodness of God?

3. What praise of God are you holding onto?

Ministry Opportunities:

7th- Lord’s Supper- Today

10th -Corporate Prayer and Bible Study (2 Cor. 12) - 7pm-9pm

13th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30am-9am

"Staying Away from En- For" - 1 Samuel 28:1-18

Outline- October 31, 2021

Text: 1 Samuel 28:1-18

Title: Staying Away From En-Dor

Quote: People will more readily worship what they can see, before they worship what they cannot see.


I. When God Is Silent ( vv. 1-6)

II. When God Is Disobeyed ( vv. 7-12)

III. When God Is Ignored ( vv. 13-18)

Sermon Application:

1.Who do you turn to when God is silent or God doesn’t agree with you?

2. Do you understand that an unrepentant heart hinders your prayer from being heard by God?

3. Read Deuteronomy 18:9-15- Have you ever dabbed in any of the activities listed in Deuteronomy 18? Do you view them as harmless or detestable?

Ministry Opportunities:

2nd- Advisory Board Meeting – Zoom- 7pm

3rd – Corporate Prayer- 7pm

3rd – Corporate Bible Study- Application 2 Corinthians 11

6th – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30-noon

7th – Lord’s Supper

“ Faith Walking Through Dry Land"-Exodus 14:21-23;29-31

Outline-October 24, 2021

Title: Faith Walking Through Dry Land

Text: Exodus 14:21-23,29-31

Quote: There is no such thing as a life that is filled with rainbows and never had a cloud or even a storm

Points: I. Walking Through ( vv. 21-23)

II. Seeing Through (vv. 29-31)

Sermon Application:

1. Are you as thankful for the “deliver out” situations as much as the “deliver through” situations?

2. What did you learn about our discussion-steps of faith?

3. When was the last time you viewed God as a Way-Maker? When was the last time you praised God as your Way-Maker?

4. What does it take for you to fear God? How would you describe your fear of God?

Ministry Opportunities:

27th- Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- 7pm-9pm

2nd- Zoom Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm ( all ministry leaders)

6th – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30am-noon

“ Moving Forward"-Exodus 14:15-20

Outline-October 17, 2021

Text: Exodus 14:15-20

Title: “Moving Forward”

Quote: Too many people no longer hope for the best. They just hope to avoid the worst.


I. God’s Moving Instruction (vv.15-18)

II. God’s Moving Protection (vv. 19-20)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you been guilty of crying out to God when He has already told you to move forward? What reason(s) do you use for failing to move forward?

2. What did you learn from our discussion of moving forward with the Lord?

3. What did you learn from our discussion concerning faithfully obeying God’s moving instructions?

4. Do you view God as your Protector both spiritually and physically? Why? Why not?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th-Pastor’s Appreciation

20th -Corporate Prayer and Corporate Bible Study- 7-7:40pm and 8-9pm (2 Cor. 11:27-33)

22nd – Youth Small Group

• November 2nd 7:00 Zoom Advisory Board Mtg. ( All leaders)

“ Experiencing The Lord Almighty" -Exodus 14:13-14

Outline- October 10, 2021

Text: Exodus 14:13-14

Title: Experiencing The Lord Almighty

Quote: Fear is the great crippler of our generation


I. Keep Still (v.13)

II. Keep Silent (v.14)

Sermon Application:

1. Are you currently stuck and unable to move forward because of fear?

2. What life principles did you learn from Deut. 31:6; Psalm 27:1; and Psalm 56:3-4?

3. What did you learn from our “Be Still” discussion?

4. Did your understanding of the word “salvation” change after today’s message?

5. Can you recall the last time the Lord fought for you?

Ministry Opportunities:

11th-12th- GLD Conference

13th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:45pm

13th -Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm 2 Corinthians 11:22-29

16th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am

17th – Pastor’s Appreciation

“ God's Difficult Paths"-Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Outline-October 3, 2021

Title: God’s Difficult Paths

Text: Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Quote: Sometimes the path God lights up for us will look crazy to us as well as others; however, God has a reason for the path He sets before us.


I. God’s Path of Confusion (vv. 1-4)

II. God’s Path of Suffering (vv. 10-12)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever thought the path that God had you on was crazy?

2. When was the last time you cried out to the Lord- not in faith, but in doubt?

3. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the three failures?

4. Do you truly believe that sometimes tough/difficult times are gifts from God to help us grow spiritually?

5. How are you living out 1 Peter 4:12?

6. What did you learn from our discussion concerning why we face difficulties?

7. What did you learn from our discussion concerning when we face a tough time we often panic and then. . . . ?

Ministry Opportunities:

6th- Praise and Prayer- 7:00pm-7:40pm

6th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:20-29

9th- Men’s Small Group- 7:30am-9am

16th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am-11:30am

17th- Pastor’s Appreciation

“ Remembering Our Godly Leader"-Exodus 13:17-21

Outline- September 26, 2021

Text: Exodus 13:17-21

Title: Remembering Our Godly Leader

Quote: What comes to mind when we think of God is the most important thing about us. A. W. Tozer


Remembering Our Godly Leader’s Promises (vv. 19-20)

Remembering Our Godly Leader’s Provisions (vv.21-22)

Sermon Application:

Think and or write about the last time you forgot about God’s leading.

Do you truly believe God always keeps His promises? Which promise or promises to you rely on the most?

What did you learn from the sermon concerning-Why we need to remember?

What did you learn from the sermon concerning-What the Christian can see when he/she looks back?

What do you think of the statement- When we trust in the Lord-he gets the glory and we get the blessings?

What did you think about our modern-day pillar of cloud, pillar of fire?

Do you struggle with knowing the difference between a “need” and a “want”?

Ministry Opportunities:

September 29th- Praise and Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

September 29th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:16-21

October 2nd- Couples’ Small Group- Session #2 Boundaries in Marriage- 10:30-noon

October 17th – Pastor Appreciation

“God’s Scenic Route”- Exodus 13:17-18

Outline-September 19, 2021

Title: “God’s Scenic Route”

Text: Exodus 13:17-18

Quote: Whenever God opens a door, we should have the faith and good sense to walk through the door. Whenever people are God led, they are certain to reach their destination


I. Trust the Leader ( vv. 17-18)

Sermon Application:

1. How are you doing with allowing God to lead you in your spiritual journey? ( i.e. Four-“Ships”)

2. What did you learn from our discussion concerning God taking us on a “scenic route”? ( i.e -Four Rules of Scenic Routes)

3. What do you think of the statement: The more we know Him-the more we can trust Him?

4. Do you truly believe that living a life with God is the most important person to travel with on our spiritual journey?

Ministry Opportunities:

September 22nd- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

September 22nd – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm – 2 Cor. 11:14-15

"Taking Care of Business"-Exodus 11

Outline-September 12, 2021

Text: Exodus 11

Title: Taking Care of Business

Quote: God alone is able to give us the grace to bear all things that will come our way.


I. God Takes Care of His Saints ( vv. 1-3)

II. God Takes Care of Pharaoh ( vv. 4-8)

Sermon Application:

1. What do you do when you come to the end of your endurance? What do you do when you feel you can bare something no more?

2. How has the Lord shown you favor in the midst of your enemies? (cf. Prov. 16:7)

3. What did you learn from our discussion on-“There’s A Difference”?

4. How do you handle when someone won’t listen to what you have to say? How do you handle when someone doesn’t want to hear what God has to say?

Ministry Opportunities:

15th – Corporate Prayer – 7pm-7:40

15th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:13-17

18th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

18th – Kidz Zone ( Zoom link may be obtain from Sis. Sharon and Sis. Skeeter)

"Dark Compromise" - Exodus 10:21-29

Outline-September 5, 2021

Title: “Dark Compromise”

Text: Exodus 10:21-29

Quote: No person can fight God and win!


I. Spiritual Darkness ( vv. 21-23)

II. Spiritual Compromise ( vv. 24-26)

III. Spiritual Blindness ( vv. 27-29)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you find yourself at times logically explaining away God’s miracles? Why or Why not?

2. Do you view those who do not have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as being in spiritual darkness? Why or Why not?

3. As you examine your life- in what areas of your life are you guilty of committing spiritual compromise?

4. Are you the type of person who loves to have the “last word”? Do you attempt to have the “last word” even with God?

Ministry Opportunities:

6th- Labor Day

8th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

8th- Corporate Bible Study- Application Time ( 2 Corinthians 11:1-12)

11th-Men’s Small Group-7:30am

"Tunnel of Submission" - Exodus 10:1-4, 7-11

Outline- August 29, 2021

Text: Exodus 10:1-4, 7-11

Title: Tunnel of Submission

Quote: Submission of self is the way to self-sufficiency


I. Saints Unwilling To Share The Goodness of God ( vv. 1-3)

II. Saints Unwilling To Be Broken ( vv. 3-4)

III. Saints Unwilling To Believe God ( vv. 7-11)

Sermon Application:

1. Which of the two purposes of the plagues are you having the most difficulty implementing in your life? ( Sharing the Power of God or Knowing The Lord)

2. How well are you humbling yourself before the Lord? What’s keeping you from humbling yourself?

3. What did you learn from our “Dagwood Sandwich” discussion?

4. What do you think of following statement: There are too many saints who believe in God but sadly don’t believe God?

Ministry Opportunities

31st – Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm ( Zoom link will be sent out by Monday)

"Shhh- God Is Speaking!" Exodus 9:18-24,26

August 22, 2021- Outline

Text: Exodus 9:18-24,26

Title: Shhh- God Is Speaking!

Quote: Listening is the beginning of prayer


I. Deadly Storm ( vv. 18-19)

II. Deadly Listening ( vv. 20-21)

III. Deadly Danger ( vv. 22-24,26)


1. What did you think about the Hebrew word that means “a failure to listen”?

2. What type of listener are you? (i.e. Active, Passive, Forgetful)

3. Are you a good listener? What are your ears trained to hear?

4. What did you learn from our discussion concerning myths about hearing God?

Ministry Opportunities:

25th –Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

25th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11: 5-11- 8:00-9:00pm

31st- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm- Zoom

"What's Holding You Back?" - Exodus 9:1-7

Outline-August 15, 2021

Text: Exodus 9:1-7

Title: "What’s Holding You Back?"

Quote: If we truly desire to pursue a deep relationship with God, we must push through the veil of sin.


I. God’s Desire For Us To Worship Him

Sermon Application:

1. After listening to today’s message, what area(s) is/are holding you back from worshipping the Lord? What stage of the process of determining what’s holding you back do you have the most difficulty accomplishing?

2. What did you learn from the “Know This” statements?

3. At the conclusion of today’s message, will you implement the 3 challenges discussed?

Ministry Opportunities:

18th- Corporate Prayer- 7pm-7:40pm

Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:1-7- 8:00-9:00pm

21st – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

21st – Kidz Zone-6pm- get Zoom link from either Sis. Sharon or Sis. Skeeter

"How Do You Identify" - Gal 2:20

Today we had a guest sermon by Gilbert Russel

Topic: How Do You Identify

Text: Gal. 2:20

Gal 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (NIV)

Note: Bible Study/Corporate Prayer will resume on Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

"What Day Is It" - Psa.90:12. Eph 5:15-16

Topic: What Day Is It

Text: Psa. 90:12, Eph. 5:15-16

Psa 90:12

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Eph 5:15

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,

Eph 5:16

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Lesson Points

Everyday Lessons

Redeem the Time


Lee Iacocca - “No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your family then what have you really accomplished?”


1. What do we need to say “no” to so that we can say “yes” to spending time with the LORD and on His purposes?

2. What are the non-negotiables in your life?

3. What can you do…starting today…to convert your time into greater value?