Women's Ministry
Impact of this Ministry - The goal of the Ladies Small Group is to develop and enhance our relationships with God and with our sisters in Christ by becoming more mature disciples of Christ. We work towards this by coming together regularly for godly discussion; sharing praises and praying for one another.
Meeting Time
Every 3rd Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Many people feel they are less than who God says they are. We get our identity from our careers, our political positions, our roles in the family, and a number of other lesser things. However, when we understand who God is, we more fully understand who we are. This new small-group Bible study uses clips from the Kendrick Brothers film OVERCOMER (releasing August 23) to examine how we determine our identity and how we can find our true identity in Christ.
• Learn to define yourself as the Creator defines you.
• Understand that false identity comes from your brokenness.
• Trust what Christ accomplished to make you new.
• Find certainty and purpose in the Lord.
• Recognize ways you are finding your identity in something other than Christ.
• Reclaim the good purpose God has for your life.
• Learn what it means to be broken by sin.
• Study the lives of Moses, Gideon, Jonah, Jeremiah, Elisha, Paul, and other biblical figures to learn how their relationships with God defined their identities.