"Kingdom of GOD p.1" - Matthew 13:1-4, 18-19
Outline-October 4, 2020
Text: Matthew 13:1-4, 18-19
Title: Kingdom of God-Part 1
Quote: If God’s Word is not working, you need to check the ground it landed on,
because there is nothing wrong with the seed.
I. Background of Parables ( vv. 1-3a)
II. The First Soil ( vv. 3b-4)
III. Explanation of the First Soil ( vv. 18-19)
1. Do you reveal the number of times you rejected the gospel message before
you finally accepted? What were some of your excuses/reasons for not
2. What did you learn about the mirror and window as it relates to the
function of parables?
3. Have you mistakenly believed that your human wisdom/intelligence can
understand God’s parables?
4. How well are you “broadcasting” the Seed?
5. What do you think of the following statement: The Gospel is always a
fruitful seed as to its power, but not as to its produce?
Ministry Opportunities:
7 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm
7 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:11-15
12 th - GLD Virtual Conference- 9am-noon