"Pressing On" - Philippians 3:12-14

Outline-December 31, 2023

Text: Philippians 3:12-14

Title: Pressing On

Quote: God is seeking progression not perfection- Chuck Swindoll


I. Perfection (v.12a)

II. Pressing ( v.12b)

III. Lay Hold (v.12c)


1. Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to provide a 2023 spiritual


2. Do you have a better understanding of spiritual perfection?

3. Read and Meditate on Philippians 3:10-11

4. What do you think of Chuck Swindoll’s statement: “God is seeking progress

not perfection”

5. Why is it important for you to know that you have not reached perfection?

6. Are you living your life as though God you know that Christ Jesus laid hold

of you?

Ministry Opportunities:

3 rd - Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study-James 1:4-6- 7-9pm

6 th - Couples’ Small Group- 10:30-Noon

7 th - Lord’s Supper

"The Heavenly Gift" - Luke 2:1-7

Outline- December 24, 2023

Text: Luke 2:1-7

Title: The Heavenly Gift

Quote: Jesus is many things . . . but He isn’t convenient.


I. Heavenly Plan Fulfilled ( vv. 1-5)

II. Heavenly Room ( vv. 6-7)


1. Do you expect the Christian life to be convenient? If not, why are we so

troubled whenever an inconvenience occurs in our lives? Do you see

anything that poses an inconvenience to our lives as a nasty negative.

2. What do you think of the following statement: When we choose God’s

choice, we find the joy of obedience in the midst of being inconvenienced.?

3. What do you think of the following: We cannot celebrate The Birth of

Christ without considering Calvary, The Cross.

4. What steps do you daily take to make room for the Lord?

Ministry Opportunities:

27 th - Praise/Prayer and Bible Study ( James 1:4-5)

"The Immaculate One" - Matthew 1:18-25

Outline-December 10, 2023

Text: Matthew 1:18-25

Title: The Immaculate One

Quote: To create, God only had to speak; To Redeem, He had to Suffer. D. L. Moody

              A great tragedy may mar one’s life, but a task marks our life.


I. Joseph’s Faithfulness ( vv. 18-21)

II. Joseph’s Obedience ( vv. 22-25)


1. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the two-stages leading up to a Jewish Marriage?

2. How do you respond when your faithfulness in God is challenged/is shattered?

3. When facing a spiritual dilemma, how does your faith prevail, or does your flesh rule?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on the “Three-Fold” discussion on sin?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on the unconditional, unwavering, unfailing obedience God expects?

Ministry Opportunities:

13th -Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study ( James 1)

16th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am

17th- Kidz Zone

17th- Members’ Meeting- Immediately after Morning Service

"Sharing GOD's Blessings" - 1 Samuel 30:16-25

Text: 1 Samuel 30:16-25

Title: Sharing God’s Blessings

Quote: God is willing and able to see us through every battle!


I. Recovering What Was Lost ( vv. 16-20)

II. Sharing What Was Gained ( vv. 21-25)


1. How much do you rely on the faithfulness of God? If we rely on God’s

faithfulness, then why are we often discouraged during trials and


2. What did you learn from the Lord’s Recovery Doctrine?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on criticism?

4. Do you think you would have fallen into the category of the wicked and

worthless saint- who didn’t believe in sharing equally?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on sharing? ( i.e. Sharing blessings

w/others will never lead to deprivation; We can never out give God; A

hoarded blessing won’t ever be enjoyed as richly as a shared one; God

meets our needs so that we can pass His blessings on to others, etc.)

6. What did you learn from our discussion on “Magnifying the Lord”?

Ministry Opportunities

21st - Search Committee Mtg. 7:30pm

21st - Pastor’s Orthopedic Appointment-3pm

22nd – Special Thanksgiving Praise and Prayer- 7pm/ Bible Study 8pm

26th -Sunday School-9:30

26th – Voice of the Martyr Video- 10:50

"Godly Pursuit" - 1 Samuel 30:7-15

Outline-November 12, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 30:7-15

Title: Godly Pursuit

Quote: Positive action is needed if we are to accomplish great things for God.


I. Receiving and Accepting God’s Will ( vv. 7-9)

II. Receiving and Accepting Divine Direction ( vv. 10-15) 


1. What did you learn from our discussion on- Ways to discern God’s Will?

2. Review and meditate on the following Scriptures- Prov. 3:6; Psalm 5:8; Psalm 32:8; Psalm 86:11; Psalm 143:10.

3. What do you think of the following quote: “Positive action is needed if we are to accomplish great things for God??

4. What do you think of the statement- When we do the possible; God does the impossible.

Ministry Opportunities:

14th- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm ( All ministry leaders- zoom link )

15th – Charter-4pm

15th -Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm)/ Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

16th- Ministerial-11:30-1

18th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

"Unbroken Saints" - 1 Samuel 28:15-25

Outline-October 29, 2023

Title: Unbroken Saints

Text: 1 Samuel 28:15-25

Quote: Just because there are people who will obey you does not mean you are right with God.


I. Last Conversation ( vv. 15-19)

II. Last Meal ( vv. 20-25)


1- Do you find yourself at times playing the role of the victim?

2- When was the last time someone asked you to go against God? Did you give in to their request?

3- Have you ever experienced the stiffening of the soul? ( William Blaikie’s quote)

4- What do you think of the statement- “Just because there are people who will obey you does not mean you are right with God”.

5- Do you have better communication with unsaved people than you do with saved people?

Ministry Opportunities:

Meet our New Chicagoland Superintendent- Steve McCausland- Today

1st- Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study – 7-8pm and 8-9pm

4th- Couples’ Small Group-10:30-12

5th- Lord’s Supper

"Discouraged Saints" - 1 Samuel 27:1,4-7

Outline-October 7, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 27:1, 4-7

Title: Discouraged Saints

Quote: Discouragement distorts our perspective and leads us to compromise


I. Making Ungodly Decisions ( vv. 1,4)

II. Deal Making ( vv. 5-7)


1. How often do you sing the Blues? Does your Blues singing indicate you

discouragement with life? With the Lord?

2. Do you find yourself talking to yourself? Do you find yourself listening to


3. What did you learn from our discussion concern the “Three Sources for

Spiritual Doubt”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on the “Two Keys”?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on the “Spiritual Weapons Against


6. Have you experience a “Spiritual Slump”? If yes, how did you get out of

your spiritual slump?

Ministry Opportunities:

8 th - Sunday School-9:30

9 th -10 th – GLD Conference- Deerfield, IL- Pastor will be attending

11 th - Corporate Praise and Bible Study-Church of Philadelphia and Application

14 th - Men’s Small Group-7:30am

28 th – PSTF Workshop- 9:30- register by 10/25

"Tomfoolery Saints" - 1 Samuel 26:13-21

Outline- October 1, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 26:13-21

Title: Tomfoolery Saints

Quote: If we are to avoid being the fool, we must instead seek to be wise.


I. What’s Up With You (vv.13-20)

II. What A Fool I Am (v.21)


1. What do you believe your epitaph will be?

2. Have you ever been challenged by someone saying to you-“Are you not a man” or “Are you not a woman”?

3. How do you feel when you fail to accomplish your God-given assignment?

4. Do you hunger like David to be in the presence of the Lord? Do gather in the Lord’s House?

5. When was your latest “Aha Moment”? concerning your sinfulness?

6. What did you learn about playing the fool? ( i.e. foolish ways of living, foolish beliefs, ways Saul played the fool)

Ministry Opportunities:

3rd- Corporate Praise and Bible Study

5th – PASS Fundraising Banquet

7th- Couples’ Small Group- 10:30am

8th – Sunday School Class-9:30

28th – Workshop-Sharing My Faith With My Children/Grandchildren-9:30-12

Deja Vu - 1 Samuel 26:2-12


I. Another Wilderness Encounter ( vv. 2-5)

II. Another Defenseless Encounter ( vv. 6-7)

III. Another Character Encounter ( vv. 8-12)


1. Have you ever experienced Déjà vu ?

2. What’s your normal first thought when facing a problem:

A. Run

B. Hide

C. Boldly face

3. What steps do you take to keep doing the right thing?

4. Are you a situational ethic saint?

5. What do you think of statement: Integrity is a choice?

Ministry Opportunities:

27 th - Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- Church of Philadelphia- 7pm and 8pm

October Launce

1 st – Lord’s Supper

"Let The Children Alone" - Matthew 19:13-14, Mark 10:13-14; Luke 18:15-17

Outline- August 6, 2023

Text: Matthew 19:13-14, Mark 10:13-14; Luke 18:15-17

Title: Let The Children Alone



I. Rebuke of the Disciples ( vv. 13-14)

II. Rebuke of the Schools


1. As a child, what did you focus on when you return for the first day of another school year? As a parent, did your focus change?

2. Do you think the Church place a high priority on our children/youth/young people ministries?

3. What do you think of Warren Wiersbe’s quote-“We tell children to behave like adults, but Jesus tells the adults to model themselves after the children”?

4. What did you think about the quotes of Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr.?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on how to help our students?

6. What did you learn about how we are to pray?

Ministry Opportunities

August 13th- Morning Message- Elder Joseph

August 20th – Morning Message-Bro. Gilbert

“ Beauty of Politeness-Ugliness of Impoliteness" - 1 Samuel 25:2-12

Outline- July 30, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 25:2-12

Title: “ Beauty of Politeness-Ugliness of Impoliteness

Quote: Being financially wealthy doesn’t make you better than others. In many cases they are actually spiritually poorer than others.


I. An Impolite and Polite Union ( vv. 2-3)

II. David’s Polite Request ( vv. 4-8)

III. Nabal’s Impolite Response ( vv. 9-12) 


1. Have you ever felt inferior of a person wo was very rich? Did you ever think they were more blessed than you?

2. What do you think of the statement: “Being financially wealthy doesn’t make you better than others. In many cases they are actually spiritually poorer than others”.

3. Are you a polite saint or are you more like Nabal?

4. Do you suffer from an “I” and “My” problem?

Ministry Opportunities:

2nd- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7pm/ Corporate Bible Study – 8pm

6th – Back To School Sunday

7th- 22- Pastor’s Vacation

9th and 16th- No Corporate Prayer of Bible Study

13th- Elder Joseph- Morning Message

20th – Bro. Gilbert Russell- Morning Message

"It's A Big Deal" - 1 Samuel 24:1-7

Outline-July 16, 2023

Title: It’s A Big Deal

Text: 1 Samuel 24:1-7

Quote: A sensitive conscience is a great treasure and a valuable guide.


I. The Cave ( vv. 1-3a)

II. The Big Deal (vv. 3b-7)


1. When a person doesn’t like you is it because you are a believer? Is it

because you have done something to them?

2. When you become aware that an enemy is vulnerable-do you take

advantage of their vulnerability? Why or Why not?

3. What do you think of the following statement: A sensitive conscience is a

great treasure and a valuable guide. Don’t lose it!

4. Do you have a problem with respecting authority?

5. Are you a vengeful/retaliatory person?

Ministry Opportunities:

19th - Charter

19th - 21st - VBS- 7:00-8:30

23rd - Church Picnic

30th – Sunday School- 9:30am

"You've Got A Friend," Scriptural Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Outline-April 16, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Title: You’ve Got A Friend 

Quote: The encouragement from a friend is priceless.


I. Nature of Friendship Uncommon Love ( vv. 1-2)

II. Nature of Friendship Covenant Love ( vv. 3-4) 

Sermon Application:

1. Do you have more associates and acquaintances than friends? How would you define a friend?

2. When you look back over your life, who do you give thanks to God for strategically placing in your life?

3. Have you ever made a covenant of love?

4. What did you learn from today’s message on – Characteristics of True Godly Friendship?

Ministry Opportunities/Announcements:

19th- Charter- 4pm

19th- Corporate Praise/Prayer-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study-Church of Pergamum-8pm

23rd- Sunday School- 9:30-10:30- Discussion will be based on Application Questions from today’s message

"Saints’ Battle Cry, " Text: 1 Samuel 17:48-54

Sermon Outline- April 2, 2023

Title: Saints’ Battle Cry

Text: 1 Samuel 17:48-54

Quote: I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. Mother Teresa


I. Battle Cry-Charge ( vv. 48-49)

II. Battle Cry-Let’s Go- ( vv. 50-54)


1. How often is your battle cry-charge? How long since you ran toward your battle/enemy?

2. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the “Four Things To Remember In Battle”?

3. What did you learn from the quote-“ There is no victory without a battle”?

4. How long since you loaded your sling and took a swing at your giant?

5. Does it motivate you when you see a saint facing their battles by faith in God?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Corporate Praise and Prayre-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study- 8pm

7th- Good Friday-6pm

8th- Sis. Owens’ Funeral- Wake- 9:30-10/ Funeral 10-11:30- All Nations Community Church 18620 Kedzie Ave., Homewood, IL

9th – Special Resurrection Sunday Service- 9am

"Godly Preparation For Battle" Scriptural Text: 1 Samuel 17:31-37

Outline-March 5, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:31-37

Title: Godly Preparation For Battle

Quote: Our private victories make possible our public victories


I. David’s Resolve ( vv. 31-33)

II. David’s Remembers ( vv. 34-37)


1. How’s your spiritual resolve?

2. Has anyone ever questioned your ability, your capability even though you had demonstrated willingness? Do you have a better understanding of the difference between ability, capability, and willingness?

3. What triggers you to action? You being disrespected or God being disrespected?

4. What is your God-Story? How often do you remember it? How often do you share it?

5. What do you do to remember the presence and power of God?

Ministry Opportunities:

8th- Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) & Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

15th- Charter

18th- Ladies’ Small Group-10am

25th- Workshop- “Spiritual Battlefield“ 9:30am-12:30

" Life’s Distractions " Scriptural Text : 1 Samuel 17:22-30

Outline-February 26,2023

Title: Life’s Distractions

Text: 1 Samuel 17:22-30

Quote: Expect life distractions and then overcome them.


I. Becoming Aware of the Battle (vv. 22-23)

II. Engaging in the Battle ( vv. 24-27)

III. Losing Focus of the Main Battle ( vv. 28-30)


1. How well do you follow instructions? Do you find yourself adding or subtracting from the instructions you are given?

2. When you become personally aware of a battle, how do you determine if you are to engage or disengage? Are you an engaged or disengaged Christian?

3. Do you struggle with seeing beyond your fears? What steps do you take to see beyond your fears?

4. What motivates you- personal gain, personal happiness or glorifying God?

5. Do you perceive your life distractions as ways to destroy you, or develop you?

Ministry Opportunities:

1st-Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45

1st – Corporate Bible Study- Application Time- Church of Ephesus

4th – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30

5th- Lord’s Supper

" Carrying Out The Father’s Business" Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 17:12-20a

Outline- February 12, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:12-20a

Title: Carrying Out The Father’s Business

Quote: Our job doesn’t define us-we define our job


I. The Father’s Children ( vv. 12-15)

II. The Father’s Errand ( vv. 16-20a)


1. Does your presence calm the situation or does it intensify the situation?

2. How long has your giant stalked you?

3. Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully?

4. What do you think of the following statement: “The giant you are facing

may just be God’s means of getting you to ask Him for the blessing He has

been waiting to give you all along”?

5. How well are you doing in providing wellness check for your brothers and

sisters in Christ?

Ministry Opportunities:

12 th - Wedding of Blake and Mia @ 3:30

15 th – Charter @4:00

15 th – Corporate Praise and Prayer @ 7-7:45pm

15 th – Corporate Bible Study @ 8pm- Church of Ephesus

18 th – Funeral of Melvin Sanders-Gatlings Funeral Home-11:30

19 th - Baptism Sunday


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"Willing To Battle," Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 17:1-11

Outline- February 5, 2023

Title: Willing To Battle

Text: 1 Samuel 17:1-11

Quote: Focus on giants-you stumble; Focus on God-your giants tumble. Max Lucado


I. The Location of the Battle ( vv. 1-3)

II. The Intimidation of the Battle ( vv. 4-7)

III. The Redefinition of the Battle ( vv. 8-11)

Sermon Application:

1. As a believer in Jesus Christ, do you truly believe you may be victorious in spite of life’s obstacles?

2. As a believer in Jesus Christ, do you know that your three main enemies are Satan, The Flesh, The World?

3. Do you focus too much on the size of your giants rather the size of your God?

4. Have you allowed the enemy to redefine the terms of engagement for battle?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Baptism Class after Morning Service

8th- Corporate Praise and Prayer Missiles- 7:745pm

8th- Corporate Bible Study- Church of Ephesus- 8-9pm

12th- Wedding- Mia and Blake- 3:30/ Reception by Invitation Only

19th -Baptism Sunday

"Calming The Savage Beast," Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 16:14-23

Outline-January 29,2023

Title: Calming The Savage Beast

Text: 1 Samuel 16:14-23

Quote: What God permits He is often said to do.


I. An Evil Spirit ( vv. 14-16) II. A Musician ( vv. 17-20) III. An Armor-Bearer ( vv. 21-23)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about the difference of the operation of the Holy Spirit between the Old Testament and New Testament?

2. What is your reputation amongst unbelievers? What is your reputation amongst believers? Do you understand the difference between reputation and character?

3. What do you think of the statement: “ God normally trains His people in private before He uses them in public”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on God’s Tools? ( i.e. Sameness, Secrecy, Solitude)

5. When you are overwhelmed/troubled/terrorized, where do you seek relief?

Ministry Opportunities:

1st- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

1st- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9m- Revelation 2-Church of Ephesus

5th- Baptism Class- Immediately Following Morning Service