"The Immaculate One" - Matthew 1:18-25
Outline-December 10, 2023
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Title: The Immaculate One
Quote: To create, God only had to speak; To Redeem, He had to Suffer. D. L. Moody
A great tragedy may mar one’s life, but a task marks our life.
I. Joseph’s Faithfulness ( vv. 18-21)
II. Joseph’s Obedience ( vv. 22-25)
1. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the two-stages leading up to a Jewish Marriage?
2. How do you respond when your faithfulness in God is challenged/is shattered?
3. When facing a spiritual dilemma, how does your faith prevail, or does your flesh rule?
4. What did you learn from our discussion on the “Three-Fold” discussion on sin?
5. What did you learn from our discussion on the unconditional, unwavering, unfailing obedience God expects?
Ministry Opportunities:
13th -Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study ( James 1)
16th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am
17th- Kidz Zone
17th- Members’ Meeting- Immediately after Morning Service