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"Hope In The LORD Almighty - p.1 " - Luke 2:25-28

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Title: Hope In the Lord Almighty- Part 1

Text: Luke 2:25-28

Quote: When we live in the power of the Holy Spirit, our lives are marked by hope in the Lord Almighty

Point: I. Hope In Christ

Ministry Application:

What did you learn about biblical hope v. worldly hope? Which hope do you truly live your life?

Do you truly believe lack of resources are not a hindrance to spiritual service? What do you think of the world’s teachings that crime and unlawful behavior is due to a lack of resources?

Would the Lord Almighty describe you as righteous and devout? Not positionally speaking but practically speaking.

Do you live in expectancy and anticipation? If yes, does this manifest itself in your prayer life, in your giving?

If God were to withdraw His Holy Spirit from us, would others even notice the difference? Would you even notice?

Ministry Opportunities:

23rd – Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

23rd – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:3-5- 8:00-9:00pm