ssefc 2/16/20 "Wisdom to know you dont know" p.1 - James 1:5-8 

ssefc 2/16/20 "Wisdom to know - you dont know" p.1 - James 1:5-8 


1. Lacking Wisdom (v.5a) 

2. Pursuing Wisdom (v.5b-c) 


Knowledge can be memorized. Wisdom must be thoughtfully and prayerfully lived. 


1. What is your working definition of spiritual wisdom: Do you live more by knowledge than spiritual wisdom? Why? 

2. What did you learn about the 3-S's of wisdom? (i.e. Source, Supply, Sympathy). 

3. What did you learn about the wonderful blessings of wisdom? 

4. Do you view GOD as a generous giver? If so, why? If not, why not?