Outline-June 20, 2021
Title: Desperate Needed Godly Fathers
Text: Exodus 2:21-22; 6:20,24; 18:3; 1 Chronicles 23:14-15
Quote: Our children must see the Gospel lived as well as preached/taught
Point: I. Godly Fathers Lessons Taught and Learned
Sermon Application:
1. How much do/did you live the Gospel in front of your children compared to
teaching/preaching the Gospel?
2. What did you learn from the five factors concerning “Teaching Our
3. How well do/did you love your children with agape love?
4. How well do/did you provide, protect, pray for you children?
5. How well are you practically taking care of your children?
6. What did you learn about the importance of a “blessing” and a “legacy”?
Ministry Opportunities:
23 rd EFCA National Conference- Virtual
23 rd – Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm
23 rd -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 10:10-13