South Suburban EFC

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"The Righteousness of GOD " - Romans 1:17

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January 24,2021- Outline

Text: Romans 1:17

Title: The Righteousness of God

Quote: What man cannot do by human effort, God does by His power


I. The Gospel Reveals ( v.17a)

II. Faith to Faith (v.17b)

III. Live by Faith (v.17c)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about the righteousness of God? What did you think about man’s 2 great problems?

2. What did you learn from today’s message about “faith”? What do you think about the following statement: “We’re called to live in the gospel, not to embrace it and then lay it aside for works/self-righteousness”?

3. Have you ever been guilty of trying to work your way to God? If yes, how? Have you ever been guilty of working for God’s acceptance?

4. Did you receive any liberation from today’s message from faulty thinking/ faulty living?

Ministry Opportunities:

27th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

27th- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8