Sermon Outline- February 20, 2022
Title: Let Your Request Be Made Known
Text: Esther 5:1-8
Quote: Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts.
I. Request Made In Waiting (vv. 1-4)
II. Request Made In Humility ( vv. 6-8)
1. How often do you fail to put your “feet to faith”?
2. What did you learn about the biblical importance of “third day” discussion?
3. What did you learn concerning the importance of waiting?
4. What role does holy “fearlessness/courage” play in your life?
5. What did you learn about making your requests known before God?
Ministry Opportunities:
23rd -Corporate Prayer- Praises-7:00-7:45pm
23rd – Corporate Bible Study- Application- 8-9pm