"Please Hold for A Very Important Message, " Text: John 3:16
Outline- July 10, 2022
Title: Please Hold for A Very Important Message
Text: John 3:16
Quote: We can never know the costliness of Calvary to God nor can we ever measure the love that lay behind it.
I. Love- v.16a
II. Gave- v. 16b
III. Believe- v. 16c
IV. Have- v. 16d
1. What did you learn from our discussion on the “Scriptures of the Great Divide”?
2. What did you learn from our discussion on “For God so Loved the World”?
3. What did you learn from our discussion on “Gave”?
4. What did you learn from our discussion on “Believe”?
5. What did you learn from our discussion on “Have”? ( i.e eternal life/ salvation)
Ministry Opportunities:
There will be no Corporate Prayer or Bible Study on July 20th or 27th. Corporate Prayer and Bible Study will resume on August 3rd.
16th- Ladies’ Small Group-10-11:30am
Pastor will be on vacation from 7/15-8/2