"Commanded to Be Holy" - 1Peter 1:15-16

Sermon Outline

Text: 1 Peter 1:15-16

Title: Commanded To Be Holy

Quote: Ours not reason why; Ours not to make reply; Our but to do or die.


I. Fix Your Hope ( vv. 13-14)

II. Be Holy ( vv. 15-16)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn from our discussion of the 3-A’s? ( i.e. Attitude, Action, Aspiration)

2. Do you struggle with being obedience? In what area of your Christian life are you most disobedient?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on “holiness”?

4. How are you doing in pursuing “holiness”? ( i.e. Act Justly, Walk Humbly, Spend Time w/God)


"My God Is More Than Enough" - Hebrews 13:5-6


"Act Like You Know His Name" - Matthew 4:1-4