"Act Like You Know His Name" - Matthew 4:1-4
Sermon Outline- August 14, 2022
Title: Act Like You Know His Name
Text: Exodus 3:10-14
Quote: God Is Who He Is and Nobody’s Opinion of Him Makes Any Difference
I. Doing Things In My Name ( vv. 10-12)
II. Doing Things In His Name (vv. 13-14)
1. Have you or do you demonstrate passive aggressiveness towards others? Towards God? Why?
2. Do you focus on your inadequacies or feign humility when God desires to use you?
3. Do you believe and/or do you live your life as though God is the Great I AM?
4. What did you learn from today’s message on the names of God?
Ministry Opportunities:
14th- Guests- Bill and Hannah Martin
17th – Charter Ministry- 4pm
17th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:45pm
17th – Corporate Bible Study ( Titus 2:3-5)- 8-9pm
20th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am