
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Speak To My Heart Lord" - 1 Samuel 25:32 - 38

Text: 1 Samuel 25:32-38

Title: Speak To My Heart Lord

Quote: If you lay down your rage, your anger, it doesn’t get lost; God picks it up.


I. A Heart Touched by God ( vv. 32-35)

II. A Heart Turned to Stone by God ( vv. 36-38)


1. Are you able to hear God speaking to you? What gets in your way from

hearing God’s voice?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on the levels of anger? What steps

do you take to let go of your anger?

3. What do you think of the following statement: When we do what is right,

without tiring of it, God takes care of the impossible things?

Ministry Opportunities:

12 th - Advisory Board Meeting-7pm- link will be sent out on Sunday or Monday

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Ain't Misbehavin Saints" Romans 1:9-15

Outline-October 23, 2022

Title: Ain’t Misbehavin Saints

Text: Romans 1:9-15

Quote: When nothing else matters in our life but what matters to the Lord Almighty, God’s Work, God’s Will get done.


I. Behaving As Committed Saints ( v.9)

II. Behaving As Prayerful Saints ( vv. 10-13)

III. Behaving As Obligated Saints ( vv. 14-15)


1. What did you learn about what a “committed saint” looks like?

2. Why do you serve?

3. Do you view your prayer life as a ministry? If yes, why? If not, why?

4. What is the focus of your prayers?

5. What did you learn about Paul’s prayer life?

6. What did you learn about Paul’s eagerness to visit from Rome?

7. What did you learn about effective ministry?

8. Do you sense a sense of obligation?

Ministry Opportunities:

23rd- Pastor and Leadership Appreciation

26th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

26th – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm – Titus 2

29th – Sis. Rita’s Housewarming Celebration- 2pm-5pm

277 Juniper Street, Park Forest- On Street Parking

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Act Like You Know His Name" - Matthew 4:1-4

Sermon Outline- August 14, 2022

Title: Act Like You Know His Name

Text: Exodus 3:10-14

Quote: God Is Who He Is and Nobody’s Opinion of Him Makes Any Difference


I. Doing Things In My Name ( vv. 10-12)

II. Doing Things In His Name (vv. 13-14)


1. Have you or do you demonstrate passive aggressiveness towards others? Towards God? Why?

2. Do you focus on your inadequacies or feign humility when God desires to use you?

3. Do you believe and/or do you live your life as though God is the Great I AM?

4. What did you learn from today’s message on the names of God?

Ministry Opportunities:

14th- Guests- Bill and Hannah Martin

17th – Charter Ministry- 4pm

17th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:45pm

17th – Corporate Bible Study ( Titus 2:3-5)- 8-9pm

20th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Fasting On Junk Food-Feasting On Spiritual Food" - Matthew 4:1-4

Sermon Outline- August 7,2022

Title: Fasting On Junk Food-Feasting On Spiritual Food

Text: Matthew 4:1-4


I. Spiritual Fasting ( vv. 1-2)

II. Spiritual Feasting ( vv. 3-4)

Quote: I look down to the book and God speaks to me, and then I look up in prayer, and speak to the Lord, and in this way we keep up a holy talk with each other. Charles Spurgeon

Sermon Application:

1. Has the Holy Spirit led you to places or situations that were challenging?

2. What did you learn about temptation?

3. What did you learn about fasting? What did you learn how God prepares us in advance for the temptation/test that we will face?

4. How often are you guilty of feasting on junk food rather than on spiritual food?

Ministry Opportunities:

10th – Corporate Prayer- 7-7:40pm

10th - Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm-Titus 2:2-5

13th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30am

13th- Back To High School-Off To College – ( all high school and college students)-noon

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

“ God's Difficult Paths"-Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Outline-October 3, 2021

Title: God’s Difficult Paths

Text: Exodus 14:1-4, 10-12

Quote: Sometimes the path God lights up for us will look crazy to us as well as others; however, God has a reason for the path He sets before us.


I. God’s Path of Confusion (vv. 1-4)

II. God’s Path of Suffering (vv. 10-12)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever thought the path that God had you on was crazy?

2. When was the last time you cried out to the Lord- not in faith, but in doubt?

3. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the three failures?

4. Do you truly believe that sometimes tough/difficult times are gifts from God to help us grow spiritually?

5. How are you living out 1 Peter 4:12?

6. What did you learn from our discussion concerning why we face difficulties?

7. What did you learn from our discussion concerning when we face a tough time we often panic and then. . . . ?

Ministry Opportunities:

6th- Praise and Prayer- 7:00pm-7:40pm

6th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11:20-29

9th- Men’s Small Group- 7:30am-9am

16th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am-11:30am

17th- Pastor’s Appreciation

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

" Spiritual Heart Failure" - Exodus 7:1-6

Outline-June 27, 2021

Text: Exodus 7:1-6

Title: Spiritual Heart Failure

Quote: Without reflection, stubbornness is nothing more than plain stupidity.


I. A Challenged Heart ( vv. 1-2)

II. A Hardened Heart ( vv. 3-6)

Sermon Application:

1. How well do you know the script God has given us to memorize, meditate

on, and know? Would this assist you in being a better godly spokesperson?

2. When was the last time, God showed you that He was really God?

3. What are some of the factors for a hard heart towards God? What does it

take for your heart to become hard towards God?

4. Are you a stubborn person? How does knowing that God knows everything

affect your stubbornness?

Ministry Opportunities:

30 th - Corporate Prayer- Evening of Praise- 7:00-7:40pm

30 th - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 10:12-18- 8:00-9:00pm

3 rd - Couples’ Small Group- 10:30-12pm ( Register no later than July 1 st )

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Out of Focus" - Luke 12:13-21

Text: Luke 12:13​-21

Title: Out of Focus

Quote: The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by coveting more.


I. Focus on Worldly Riches ( vv. 13-15)

II. Focus on Godly Riches ( vv. 16-21)

Sermon Application:

1. After today’s message, what did you learn about greed/covetousness? Are

you greedier than you thought?

2. Take the “Greed” Test? How well did you do? What are you being led to

pray about after taking the test?

3. What did you learn about being viewed as a “fool” by God?

4. What is meant by the saying: “A ship should be in water, not water in the

ship”? How does this saying relate to our possessions?

5. What did you think/learn from Chuck Swindoll’s three questions?

Ministry Opportunities:

February 24 th - 7:00​-7:30​- Corporate Prayer

February 24 th - 8:00​-9:00​pm- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:1-15-


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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Agents of Change " - Matthew 13:33-35

Title: Agents of Change

Text: Matthew 13:33-35

Quote: After a person receives Christ for eternity, he/she must represent Christ in history.


A Catalyst ( v.33)

A Revealer ( vv. 34-35)

Ministry Application:

Do you understand the difference between “exegesis” and “eisegesis”?

Are you allowing God to use you to slowly transform the world’s culture?

In 2020, what spiritual insights have you gleamed concerning Kingdom Truths/Principles?

Are you failing to make an impact due to a lack of godly contact with the world?

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"GODLY PERSPECTIVE OF SIGNIFICANCE" - Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30 - 32

Title: Godly Perspective of Significance

Text: Matthew 13:31-32 and Mark 4:30-32

Quote: Significance is a matter of perspective


I. Sowing of a Mustard Seed (v.31)

II. Growing of a Mustard Seed (v.32)


1. Are you ever guilty of thinking nothing good can come out of something so


2. Do you truly believe- God has a way of bringing great things out of humble


3. What is the basis of your identity? What or Who are you rooted?

4. What is your perspective on what is significant in life?

Ministry Opportunities:

28 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

28 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:12-15

November 1 st - Time Change- Fall Back 1 Hour!

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

Kingdom of GOD -p.2 - Matthew 13:5-9, 20-23

Outline- October 11, 2020

Title: Kingdom of God- Part 2

Text: Matthew 13:5-9, 20-23

Quote: The Bible has not become impotent, just sadly abandoned by the citizens

of the Kingdom of God.


I. Shallow Soil (vv. 5-6)

II. Explanation of Shallow Soil (vv. 20-21)

III. Shared Soil ( v. 7)

IV. Explanation of Shared Soil ( v.22)


1. When was the last season in your believing life, when God’s Seed ( i.e.

Kingdom Truths/Principles) were sown on your shallow soil? Do you live

life based on impulses and/or instincts?

2. Do you find yourself whenever you “broadcast” God’s Seed that you look

for shallow soil?

3. As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, have there been times when God’s Seed

is choked off by your worries of this present age and the deceitfulness of

riches? If yes, what did you finally do to kill the weeds/thorns?

4. Have you had seasons when you were so busy living that you did not think

how you were living?

5. What do you think of the following statement: “Miscellaneous things can

become the cause of spiritual strangulation”?

6. How well do you understand your productivity ( i.e. fruit production) is

directly linked to your abiding in Christ? ( i.e. faithfulness as a citizen of the

Kingdom of God)

Ministry Opportunities:

October 12 th - GLD Conference- 9am-noon ( Virtual)

October 14 th – Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

October 14 th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm ( 2 Cor. 7:11-15)

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