"Another Chance God," Luke 18:41-43
Outline-January 8, 2023
Title: Another Chance God
Text: Luke 18:41-43
Quote: Great faith greatly honors God
I. Restoration Prayer ( vv. 41-42)
II. Celebration Praise ( v.43)
Sermon Application:
1. What did you learn about why God ask us questions?
2. When was the last time you prayed a restoration prayer?
3. What did you learn about the faith needed to pray a restoration prayer?
4. How plugged in are you in celebrating God’s Goodness?
5. How closely are you following the Lord Almighty?
6. What do you think of the statement: “Personal faith is a rejoicing faith”?
Ministry Opportunities:
** Bible Study- New Series- Seven Churches of Revelation- begins January 11th