"The Expected Inexpectancy," Luke 1:26-32, 34
Outline-December 18, 2022
Text: Luke 1:26-32,34
Title: The Expected Inexpectancy
Quote: Riches make no one honorable; and poverty makes no one dishonorable
I. Planned Meeting ( vv. 26-27)
II. Planned Encounter ( vv. 28-29)
III. Planned Greatness ( vv. 30-32,34)
1. What did you learn about the importance of the Virgin Birth?
2. How do you normally respond when the Lord interrupts your plans?
3. What does it mean to you that the Lord is with you?
4. What did you learn about Gabriel’s annunciation?
Ministry Opportunities:
18th – Kidz Zone
18th - Members’ Meeting
21st – Charter- 4pm
21st – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7pm; Bible Study-8pm
25th- Birth of Christ Service-11am