I. Jonah Finally Prays (v.1)
II. Jonah’s Three Questions ( vv. 2-9)
Quote: Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. General
1- What do you think of C.S. Lewis’ Statement-“A proud man is always
looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you’re
down, you can’t see something that’s above”?
2- When you hit bottom-how long do you dwell in “Pittyville”?
3- When you hit bottom- is your “stomach prayer” one of thanksgiving or
one of get me out of here?
4- What did you learn from our “Three Questions” discussion?
5- What did you think of General Patton’s statement-“Success is how
high you bounce when you hit bottom”?
6- What did you learn about God’s Grace in today’s sermon?
Ministry Opportunities:
7 th - Lord’s Supper
10 th – Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study- 7-9pm
14 th - Members’ Meeting after Morning Service
24 th -26 th – VBS -7-9pm
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