Quote: The will of God will never lead you, where the grace of God can’t
keep you and the power of God can’t use you.
I. Jonah the Ambassador of God-v.1
II. The Ambassador’s Message- vv. 2-4
III. Reaction To The Ambassador’s Message – vv. 5-6,10
1-What did you learn from our discussion on “Ways We Can Handle a
Second /Another Chance”?
2-Has there been a time that you thought you were worthy to be a servant
and not in need of God’s grace?
3-Do you know that you have been called to be an Ambassador for Christ?
Do you share your message/opinion more than the Lord’s message?
4- If a person promises to stop their evil ways- does that mean they have
repented? That they are saved?
5- What do you think of the statement: “God’s Judgment is one of
correction not revenge”?
Ministry Opportunities:
14 th - Members’ Meeting
17 th - Charter- 4pm
17 th - Corporate Praise, Prayer and Bible Study
21 st – VBS- Final Preparation Meeting
24 th -26 th – VBS 7-8:30
1 songs
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