South Suburban EFC

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Calming The Storm - Jonah 1:12-17

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Quote: God’s purpose is greater than our problems.


I. Unwilling To Calm The Storm ( vv. 12-14)

II. Calming The Storm ( vv. 15-17)


1. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to calm the storm?

2. What did you learn about the role God plays in our seeking repentance?

3. Have you ever been guilty of playing the role of the martyr?

4. What did you learn about the “fear of failure” and the “fear of success”? Which if any, do you wrestle?

Ministry Opportunities:

3 rd - Corporate Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study- 7-9pm

7 th – Lord’s Supper

24 th 26 th – Vacation Bible Study 7-8:45pm


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