
ssefc 12/29/19 "Come Let Us Adore HIM" - Psalm 95:1-3 

ssefc 12/29/19 "Come Let Us Adore HIM" - Psalm 95:1-3 


I. Come and Rejoice (vv.1-2) 

II. Come and Adore HIS greatness (v.3) 


The lack of worship in our day is due to a lack of recognition of GOD


1. What is the basis/ foundation for you "coming" to the LORD ALMIGHTY? 

2. What do you think of the following statement: When we worship , we give up ourselves and give our lives over to GOD ? 

3. How do you recognize GOD's worth in your life? 

4. Have you ever demanded or believed you were owed blessings from GOD? 

5. What does it mean to you that " GOD is Great"? 

sssefc 12/12/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME 2" - Luke 1:32-38 

sssefc 12/12/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME 2" - Luke 1:32-38 


I. Greatness of JESUS (vv.32-33)

II. Questions Surrounding the Greatness of JESUS (vv.34-35) 

III. Comfort of knowing The Great JESUS (vv.36-38) 


GOD IS able to do all things but fail. 

Application : 

1. Who or what comes to your mind when you hear the word "great"?

2. When was the last time GOD provided you comfort during a period of great doubt in your life? Do you view doubt as sinful? 

3. Do you truly believe "nothing will be impossible with GOD" ? 

4. What role does GOD's glory play in your life? 

ssefc 12/15/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME" - Luke 1:26-31 

ssefc 12/15/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME" - Luke 1:26-31 


I. The Particulars (vv.16-27) 

II. The Pronouncement (vv.28 - 31) 


Without a virgin birth, we do not have a Savior

Application : 

1. How would you define GOD 's Sovereignty, GOD's Providence? How do you live out these doctrines in your daily life? 

2. Do you view yourself as a "favored one" ? Why or why not? 

3. What does it mean to you that the "LORD is with you" ? 

4. When was the last time you pondered about the Word of GOD? 

5. Are you afraid of GOD's Sovereignty/ GOD's Providence? Why or why not?

ssefc 12/8/19 "There's a Party Going On p.2" - Luke 15:28 b -32

ssefc 12/8/19 "There's a Party Going On p.2" - Luke 15:28 b -32


I. The Elder Son's Heart (vv. 28b  - 30 ) 

II. The fathers Heart (vv. 31- 32) 


Our outward actions are a mirror into our hearts. 


1. How do we normally respond when someone rejects our invitation / offer? What did you learn about the word "plead" ? Do you normally view the "plead" with a positive or negative connotation ? 

2. What did you learn from the elder son's response? 

3. What drives your service for the LORD ALMIGHTY? If it's bringing glory to the LORD ALMIGHTY, then is your service indicating this? 

4. What did you learn about vultures and buzzards? 

ssefc 12/1/19 "There's A Party Going On - p.1" - Luke 15:25-28a 

ssefc 12/1/19 "There's A Party Going On - p.1" - Luke 15:25-28a 


I. Party going on (vv.25-27) 

II. Party Pooper (v.28a) 


Anger has caused many of us to miss out on the many blessings of GOD. 


1. Have you spent more time as the younger son or the elder son? 

2. Do you entertain yourself by observing the rebellious behavior of others? 

3. In your philosophy of ministry, what role does shame play? 

4. Have you ever been angry with your Heavenly Father? When you see what you think is an injustice , do you react with anger or compassion? 

5. Do you truly believe forgiveness is freely given or is it earned? 

ssefc 11/24/19  "I cant believe you did that - p.2" -Luke 15:20-24 

ssefc 11/24/19  "I cant believe you did that - p.2" -Luke 15:20-24 


I. The fathers restoration of the prodigal (vv 22-24)


Don't let the devil or the flesh keep you down by telling you that you are not worthy to be a child of GOD


1. What do you feel a sense of urgency about in your life? 

2. The Prodigal was provided with a robe , ring and a pair of sandals. What has the LORD provided you with as HIS child? 

3. Do you view yourself as being given by our Heavenly FATHER the privilege to speak for HIM? 

4. Do you believe that you are accepted by GOD? If yes, why? If no, why not? 

5. What did you learn about restoration? 

ssefc 11/17/19 "I cant believe you did that - p.1"  - Luke 15:20-24 

ssefc 11/17/19 "I cant believe you did that - p.1"  - Luke 15:20-24 


I. The fathers reconciliation with the prodigal (v.20) 

II. The fathers restoration of the prodigal (vv.22-24) 


Sadly, slow are the steps of repentance, but swift are the feet of forgiveness.  


1. When you have offended someone do you look forward to meeting with that person? When someone has offended you do you look forward to meeting with that person? Why or why not? 

2. How do you treat the "black sheep" in your family? If you were ever the "black sheep" how were you treated? 

3. Are you able to demonstrate GODly compassion when someone has offended you? How do you prevent anger and/ or judgement creeping in when you have been offended? 

4. Did you see the father differently after today's message? If so, how? 

SSEFC 11/10/19 "Cease and Release" p.2 - Luke 15:17-19 

SSEFC 11/10/19 "Cease and Release" p.2 - Luke 15:17-19 


I. Prodigals Realization (v.17) p.1 

II. Prodigals Repentance (vv.18-19) p.2 


Many people use mighty thin threads when mending their ways. 


1. When did you change from a "give me saint" to a " make me saint"? 

2. What reasons/ excuses do we use for not returning to the Father/ Church? 

3. Do you question the repentance of others? Why? 

4. What id you learn about the difference between "repentance" and "remorse" ? 

5. Do you agree that humiliation, embarrassment, and shamefulness are elements of true repentance?