
"Standing Up and Speaking Out" - Nehemiah 5:7b - 13

Text: Nehemiah 5:7b-13

Title: Standing Up and Speaking Out

Quote: We should love peace, but we should not seek it as the cost of sacrificing what we know is right in the sight of God.


I. Standing Up ( vv. 7-8)

II. Speaking Out ( vv. 9-11)

III. Shaking Off (vv. 12-13)


1. Are you willing to stand your biblical ground or are you more likely to compromise?

2. How does being held accountable by God for only what you have the ability to do make you feel? Good or Bad? Why?

3. When you are faced with the Truth do you remain silent or do you still have something to say?

4. Do you walk in fear of God? What role does fearing God play in your spiritual walk?

5. Do you practice what you preach- assuming what you preach is in line with God’s Word?

6. What did you learn about restitution?

Ministry Opportunities:

29th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

29th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:2-5

Divided We Fall - Nehemiah :1-7a

Text: Nehemiah 5:1-7a

Title: Divided We Fall

Quote: Problem solving in ministry is not an intellectual exercise it’s a spiritual experience.


I. The Outcry ( vv. 1-5)

II. The Response To The Outcry (vv. 6-7a)


1. According to today’s message, are you more like a horse or a donkey? Do you find it easier, to attack an enemy or forgive and restore a brother or sister in Christ? Have you been guilty of locking horns with a brother or sister in Christ?

2. What did you learn about selfishness from today’s message? What did you learn about your own selfishness?

3. Have you been guilty of taking advantage of a brother/sister’s misfortune? Have you been exploited by a brother/sister in Christ? If yes, have you forgiven him/or her?

4. What did you learn about anger from today’s message? Have you ever demonstrated righteous anger?

Ministry Opportunities

22nd- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

22nd –Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7- 8:00-9:00pm

"Battle Ready" - Nehemiah 4:15-23

Text: Nehemiah 4:15-23

Title: “Battle Ready”


I. Battle Ready Builders and Warriors ( vv. 15-17,21-23)

II. Battle Ready Troops ( vv. 18-20)

Quote: A life without a mission is a life without meaning.


1. Has your frustration in God/ in life caused you to distant yourself from the brethren or to live in the past?

2. Are you able to make timely godly adjustments?

3. Are you easily sidetracked from accomplishing God’s Will? What steps do you take to maintain focus on doing what is right?

4. Are you ready to work for Jesus and to war for Him at the same time? Are you adept in using your Sword in battle?

5. Have you had a “Nehemiah” encourage you along your spiritual journey? Have you been a “Nehemiah” in someone’s life to encourage them along their spiritual journey?

6. Do you truly believe God will fight for you or do you believe He only fights for others? What’s the basis of this belief?

Ministry Opportunities:

15th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

15th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm

"Junkyard Saints" - Nehemiah 4:9-14

Text: Nehemiah 4:9-14

Title: Junkyard Saints


I. Discouraged By Rubbish ( vv. 9-10)

II. Discouraged By Fear ( vv. 11-12)

III. Discouraged By Forgetfulness ( vv. 13-14)

Quote: While critics discourage, leaders encourage


1. How are you balancing faith and alertness? How are you balancing prayer and watchfulness? Are your prayers reinforce with actions?

2. What did you learn about the dangers associated with fatigue, loss of vision, and frustration?

3. What rubbish/rubble needs to be cleared in your life? Are you a God-Gazer or a Rubbish-Gazer?

4. Are you soaring with eagles or running around with turkeys? Do you hang around pessimistic/negative people? Why?

5. What steps do you take to remember your great and awesome God?

Ministry Opportunities:

July 8th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm

"Moving Forward" - Nehemiah 4:1-8


Text:   Nehemiah 4: 1-8

Title: “Moving Forward”

Quote:  You haven’t really led until you have become familiar with the stinging barbs of critics.  Chuck Swindoll


1.     Do you go into leadership expecting criticism?  Do you find yourself criticizing your leaders?  ( i.e. parents, husband, boss, pastor?  Are you vocal with your criticism or silent?

2.    What role does prayer play when you are under attack?  What did you learn about imprecatory prayer?  Have you used imprecatory prayer in the past?  Was it biblical or fleshly led?

3.    What do you think about the following statement:  You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Once you have reached the halfway point/halftime, are you encouraged to finished or discouraged about the work that needs to be accomplished?


Ministry Opportunities:

July 1st- 7:00-7:30pm- Corporate Prayer

July 1st- 8:00-9:00pm- Corporate Bible Study 2 Corinthians 6:16-18

July 5th- Lord’s Supper after Live Stream Morning Message

·       Link for Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study should be received by Monday evening.

·       Handout will be the same as last week’s handout.

Doing Your Part For God’s Glory - Nehemiah 3:1-2,5

Text:  Nehemiah 3:1-2, 5

Title:  Doing Your Part For God’s Glory

Quote:  No one can do everything but everyone can do something.


I.                Godly Delegation

II.              Godly Teamwork


1.    As a leader in your home, family, and/or church, are you  more of a dictator or delegator?

2.    What did you learn about delegating?  What principles of delegating are you being led to incorporate in your leading?

3.    What did you learn about the principle:  “Letting Go Without Letting Up”?

4.    In our message we spoke about the five essential principles of teamwork.  Which of those five principles are you struggling with the most?

5.    God Workforce ( i.e. constructionists, destructionists, obstructionists).  Which of these three are you at church, in your home, on your job?

6.    What does the quote- “God looks for unity not uniformity” mean?

Ministry Opportunities:

24th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

24th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

"Sticks and Stones" -Nehemiah 2:9-10, 19-20

Text:  Nehemiah 2:9-10, 19-20

Title:  Sticks and Stones

Quote:  If you have not faced the devil head on, then you are most likely going the same way as he is.


I.                 Introduction to Opposition ( vv. 9-10)

II.               Confrontation by Opposition (vv. 19-20)


1.    Do you believe the quote: “Sticks and stones may break my bone, but words will never hurt/break me?

2.    Have you been diverted by Satan and his agents when carrying out God’s mission?  How did you respond to the diversion?

3.    Have you ever been bullied?  Have you ever bullied someone?  Why?

4.    Do you know how our opposition can make us stronger?  According to our message, when facing opposition what three things should you remember?

5.    At the conclusion of today’s message, what three lessons were taught?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

17th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

·       You should receive your zoom link, handout by Monday evening.  You should receive your Prayer and Praise Report by Wednesday morning, at the latest.  If you fail to receive above-referenced materials by stated times, please contact Sis. Wonda.

Focusing on What I Must Do- Not on What I Can Do - Nehemiah 2:11-18

June 7th-Outline

Text: Nehemiah 2:11-18

Title: Focusing on What I Must Do- Not on What I Can Do

Quote:  Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality


I.                Focused ( vv.11-12)

II.              Fathomed (vv. 13-16)

III.            Fortified ( vv. 17-18)



1.     Do you have difficulties focusing?  Do you have difficulties eliminating non-essentials?  Are you guilty of trying to do too many things at once?

2.    Do you have a problem with delegating?  Do you attempt to delegate task that are your responsibility?

3.    Are you a physical hoarder?  Are you a spiritual hoarder?

4.    In your relationships, your marriage, your parenting, did you/do you use more plural pronouns (we, us) or more singular pronouns (I, me, you)?

5.    Are you more of a boss or a leader?

6.    What did you learn from the rules of God’s Vision/Plan casting?  What did you learn about the 4 principles of godly leadership?

Ministry Opportunities:

10th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

10th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

13th- PASS-Virtual Hike for Life ( see to make donations

"Ready Set Go" - Nehemiah 2:5-8

Text:  Nehemiah 2:5-8

Title:  Ready Set Go

Quote:  The presence of faith does not mean the absence of organization. Chuck Swindoll


I.                Sent By God ( v.5)

II.              Prepared By God ( vv. 6-8)


1.     We are invited by God to come before His throne of grace and mercy- why is it that we fail to take God up on His invitation more often?

2.    Do you speak confidently and respectful when sent on an assignment by the Lord Almighty?

3.    Which of the four bones of a church/ a ministry are you most like? ( i.e. wish-bone, jaw-bone, knuckle-bone, back-bone)

4.    During your spiritual journey, do you normally lean towards God’s Sovereignty or your Free-Will?  ( i.e. spiritual teeter-totter)

5.    What or Who do you rely on the most when planning? ( i.e. Personal Experiences, Personal Preferences, Advice of Others, God)

6.    How often do you ask yourself the “Foundational Question”:  Is this plan in keeping in God’s Will for my life?

7.    Do you provide recognition of God’s good hand being on you or do you pat your own back for what you accomplished?

Ministry Opportunities:

3rd- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

3rd- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm

·      Sis. Wonda will provide handout outline and links by Monday Evening.  If you have never participated please share your desire by Monday Afternoon. 

Praying and Waiting, Praying and Waiting - Nehemiah 2:1-4

Outline – May 24, 2020

Text: Nehemiah 2:1-4

Title:  Praying and Waiting, Praying and Waiting

Quote: Waiting on the Lord is not wasting time but investing time


I.               The Art of Praying and Waiting, Praying and Waiting


1.    Do you view your unwillingness to wait as a sign of spiritual maturity or immaturity? Why?

2.    Are you an impulsive person by nature?  Are you an impulsive prayer, looking for immediate results?

3.    What blessing is God waiting to provide you but can’t because you are not ready to receive it?

4.    What did you learn from the three scriptures about not rushing into things? (i.e. Exodus 14:13; Ruth 3:18; and Psalm 46:10)

5.    Do you acknowledge when you are sad?  What steps do you take not to dwell in your sadness?  How would or do you minister to someone who is in a state of “sadness”?


Ministry Opportunities:

27th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

27th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00- 2 Corinthian 6

31st- Pentecost Sunday


"Troubling News That Shakes Our Comfort Zone" - Nehemiah 1:8-11

May 17, 2020- Outline

Text:  Nehemiah 1:8-11

Title:  Troubling News That Shakes Our Comfort Zone


I.                Remembering and Repenting ( vv. 8-9)

II.              Redeeming and Revering ( vv. 10-11)

Quote:  Repentance is always difficult and the difficulty grows greater with delay.


1.     When God is transforming you, how do you normally respond?  When God desires to move you from your comfort zone, do you praise Him, or do you complain or ignore Him?

2.    What’s the difference between confession and repentance?  As a believer, do you confess more than you repent?  Why?

3.    Do you understand that God loves you not with feelings, but with an unconditional love? (i.e. agape love) How many people do you love with agape love, or is your love merely limited to your feelings?

4.    As one redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, how does this motivate you in your spiritual journey?

5.    What comfort zone(s) is/are God desiring to shake currently in your life?  If you say none, do you think this is actually true?

Ministry Opportunities

20th- Corporate Prayer-start promptly at 7 and shall end around 7:30/7:40

20th- Bible Study-8-9-  

·      Links to Prayer- and/or Bible Study should be received by Monday Evening. 

If this will be your first time to participate, please notify Sis. Wonda by Monday by 5pm.  

" Responding to troubling news" - Nehemiah 1:4-7

Text:  Nehemiah 1:4-7

Title:  Responding to Troubling News

Quote:  When God puts a burden on our heart, don’t try to escape it, for if you do, you miss the blessing God has planned for you.


I.               Responding and Identifying Troubling News (v.4)

II.             Acknowledging and Confessing Troubling News ( vv. 5-7)


1.    Faithful Servant of God test

A.    Do you have a concern for the things of God?

B.    Do you have a burden for the people of God?

C.    Do you a passion for the work of God?

Key:  The more/greater the concern, burden, passion- the more faithful of a servant you are.

2.    When was the last time you weep/mourned over sin, over the condition of the church?

3.    Have you been guilty of fasting for selfish reasons? ( i.e physical benefits, to impress others, etc.)

4.    Do you find yourself getting ahead of prayer?

5.    As you begin your prayers, what ascription do you give God?

"A Call To Restore : Receiving Troubling News" - Nehemiah 1:1-3


         Series Title-   “ A Call To Restore”

         Today’s Title- “ Receiving Troubling News”

Quote:  Facts do not cease to exit because they are ignored.

Point:   I.  Receiving Troubling News ( vv. 1-3)


1.     Today’s message addressed three kinds of people in the world.  Which kind of person most resembles you?  Why?

2.    This week write down the number of times God comforts you.  Praise Him each time He comforts you.

3.    Read Philippians 2:3-4- What steps can you take to live out these verses?

4.    What did you learn about the difference between concern and curiosity?

5.    What did you learn about gossip?  What about the acronym “THINK”?

6.    Are you faithfully living within God’s wall and gates?  What covenantal blessing awaits you if you are?

Ministry Opportunities:

Today-Virtual Lord’s Supper following this morning’s message

6th- Prayer ( 7:15pm-7:45) on FreeConference

1.    Call before 7:15- 978-990-5406 

2.    Enter Access Code- 8310363

6th – Bible Study (8pm-9pm)  You will receive new outline and link on Monday Evening.  If you would like to join us for the first time, please email Wonda ( before 5pm on Monday.

"Godly Learning- Part 2" - Phillippians 4:10-13

Text:  Philippians 4:10-13

Title:  Godly Learning- Part 2

Quote:  Contentment makes poor men rich; and discontentment makes the poor rich.


1.     Is your mindset one of contentment or of lack/want?  How do you think your mindset affects your walk?

2.    How much of your daily walk is based on “feelings”, and how much on what you “know”? 

3.    Have you been delivered from believing what you have is an indication of who you are?

4.    Read Proverbs 13:7- What do you learn from this verse?

5.    What do you think of the following statement:  When we realize the value of “grace” we will begin to also learn contentment.

6.     What additional lessons did you learn about contentment?

7.    According to today’s discussion on verse 13,-Do you speak the language of pessimism, presumption, or power?

8.    Do you have a better understanding- when Paul declares- God grace is sufficient?


      29th- Prayer 7:15-7:45-Free Conference Call link will be provided by Monday Evening.  As you enter the conference call be mindful if we are in the midst of praying not to interrupt our chorus of prayers.

  29th- Bible Study-8:00-9:00- Link and Handout will be provided by Monday Evening.  If you would like to participate for the first time- please contact Sis. Wonda so she may provide you with the link and outline.

May 3rd-  We will be live streaming at 11:00.  Following live stream we will be observing the Lord’s Supper for those who would like to participate.  Remember you will need your own juice and crackers.

Godly Learning- Part 1 - Philippians 4:10-13

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Text:  Philippians 4:10-13

Title:  Godly Learning- Part 1

Quote:  When our contentment is in Christ, we don’t have to have our situations change in order for us to be content.

Points:   I. Godly Contentment Found In God’s Providence- v. 10

              II.  Godly Contentment No Matter The Situation -v. 11


  1.  How much do you truly value your relationship with Christ?  What do you think of the following: The more you value your relationship with Christ the less you want?

  2. Is your sufficiency based on “Self-Sufficiency” or “Christ-Sufficiency?  How does your life demonstrate your basis of sufficiency?

  3. Do you become upset when others don’t take advantage of their opportunity to demonstrate God’s love towards you?  Have you ever missed judged someone’s opportunity? 

  4. From today’s message what did you learn about God’s Providence?

  5. What lessons did you learn from today’s message about Godly Contentment? 

Ministry Opportunity:

Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 8pm.  Remember you should receive zoom link on Monday evening. ( We will be completing last week’s outline)  If you would like to be a first-time participant please let Sis. Denny know by Wednesday afternoon, so she may add you to link.

This Wednesday- we shall have prayer time from 7:45-8pm for those who would like to pray.

"Because He Lives" - 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Text:  1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Title:  Because He Lives


Points:   I.  Importance of Resurrection ( vv. 12-14)

              II.  Hope of Resurrection ( vv. 15-19)



1.     As you share the Gospel message, how much emphasis do you place on the Resurrection?  Do you view the Resurrection as the central message to the 21stcentury church?  Why or Why not?

2.    It what way(s) does Christ’s bodily resurrection provide you hope?

3.    What can a dead savior do for the living? 

4.    Do you have a better understanding of John 3:16 after today’s message?

5.    How are you going to observe this Resurrection Sunday?  How are you going to observe future Resurrection Sundays?

Our Source For Our Resources- Part 3 Text: Mark 6:39-44

Title: Our Source For Our Resources- Part 3 Text: Mark 6:39-44


A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness.

Point III. Stomach-Filled Saints (vv. 39-44)


1. What are you holding onto? What are you unwilling to give to the Lord Almighty? Why?

2. What purely human calculations have you performed recently? Why did you leave the Lord out of your calculation?

3. Why do you normally bless your food before eating? Do you bless God for your snacks?

4. What did you learn from today’s message about brokenness?

5. What do you think about the following statement: A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness.

6. What do you think about the following statement: “We are not manufacturers; we are only distributors”?

7. The last time God had to grab your attention-how well did you respond? How long did it take you to thank Him?

Ministry Opportunities:

Wednesday Bible Study- 8:00pm on Zoom (Link will be sent Monday to all who participated last week- if you did not participate and would like link access-please email Wonda no later than Monday afternoon. Link and Outline will be sent out on Monday evening.

Good Friday- Family Devotion- take time to read- Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22:14-23; John 18-19 Resurrection Sunday- Lord Supper in our Homes(Reading 1 Cor. 11:23ff) (Remembering Lord Supper is only for believers) Resurrection Message at 11am

"Our Source For Our Resources"- Part 2 - Mark 6:33

Text: Mark 6:33-44 Title: Our Source For Our Resources- Part 2

Quote: Leave Jesus out of your calculations and you will come up short every time.


I. Fearful Saints- vv. 33-36

II. Faithless Saints- vv. 37-38

III. Stomach-Filled Saints- vv. 39-44


1. When was the last time God caught you off guard by what He requested you to do?

2. Have you ever allowed your “lack” to hinder you from doing what the Lord desired you to do?

3. What do you think of the following statement: Leave Jesus out of your calculations and you will come up short every time.

4. What do you think of the following statement: Faith goes beyond mental assent; it is an active confidence in what God will do.

5. What lessons/principles did you learn from today’s message about faith?

6. Do you understand the difference between faithfulness and faith?

Ministry Opportunity:

Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 8pm, 4/1- If you desire to join us on Zoom- please email no later than Monday evening your desired to participate. The church will provide you with an access link by Tuesday afternoon. Church will also provide you with handout to your email address no later than Tuesday evening.

We Do Not Own The Rights To The Prelude Songs

"Our Source For Our Resources p.1" - Mark 8:33-44


Text:  Mark 8:33-44

Title:  Our Source For Our Resources    Part I

Quote:  If we don’t come apart and rest-we’ll come apart.  Vance Havner


  1. Fearful Saints ( vv. 33-36)

  2. Faithless Saints ( vv. 37-38)

  3. Stomach-Filled Saints ( vv. 39-44)


  1. Throughout week read:  Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14

  2. How do you respond when your plans are interrupted?  How are you dealing with the interruptions caused by COVID-19?

  3. What did you learn about the difference between pity and compassion?  Do you demonstrate more pity than compassion?

  4. Do you like your life without a shepherd?  Or are you your own shepherd?

  5. Have you learned to trust the Lord Almighty to provide all of your sustenance?

  6. What did you learn about fear?  ( i.e. Degrade our Relationship with God:  Destroy your Life; Delight your Enemy, etc. )

  7. Read/Study: Isa. 41:10; 2 Timothy 1:7; Gen. 15:1; Prov. 29:25)

*Bible Study- 8pm on Zoom.  

"The Haves and The Have-Nots P.2" - James 1:9-112 

SSEFC 3/15/20 "The Haves and The Have-Nots P.2" - James 1:9-112 


Hold material goods and wealth on a flat palm and not in a clenched fist. -Allister Begg


I. The Poverty of Richness (v.10) 


1. Before today's message did you view yourself as a "rich" / a "have" saint? Why or why not? After today's message did you view yourself differently? Why or why not? 

2. Before today's message did you desire to be a "have" saint? Why or why not? Di you appreciate their trial? 

3. What role(s), if any, do "pride" and "grace" play on a rich saints eternal perspective? 

4. Do you use your "richness" in light of eternity?