
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"The Package" - Luke 1:39-45

Outline-December 13, 2020

Text: Luke 1:39-45

Title: The Package

Quote: We need other saints to share the watershed moments of our lives.


Good News About The Package ( vv. 39-40)

Rejoicing About The Package (vv. 41-45)


Have you ever been perplexed, astonished, and/or flabbergasted by the workings of the Lord in your life? If yes, what has been your response? If no, why not?

When you are traveling on a challenging spiritual journey, other than the Lord Almighty, who do you seek encouragement? Are you a spiritual cheerleader? Do you have a spiritual cheerleader in your life?

This week work on your own “ The Magnificat”

Ministry Opportunities:

16th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

16th- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 8:1-3)

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.3

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 3

Title: Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness

Quote: God hates not only the mind that plans the evil but the feet that are

eager to carry it out.


I. Bad Heart ( v.18a)

II. Bad Feet (v. 18b)

III. Bad Witness ( v.19)


1. Is your heart beating with or against the Lord Almighty?

2. Are you devising wicked plans-i.e. pleasing yourself, making your own path,

fulfilling his own desires?

3. Are you surprised that your wicked plans have led to sadness, brokenness,


4. What did you learn about counteracting feet that are swift to run to


5. Have you borne false witness?

Ministry Opportunities:

9 th - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

9 th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:1-3

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Hate Crimes" - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.2

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 2

Title: Hate Crimes

Quote: Sadly, too often lying comes easy.

Points: I. Hateful Tongues (v.17b)

II. Hateful Hands ( v.17c)


1. Do you have a lying problem? Do you see yourself as imitating Satan when

you lie? Do you view lying as hateful?

2. What did you learn about the following?

A. Origin of Lying

B. Operation of Lying

C. Overcoming Lying

3. Why has it become a big issue that every human life is of infinite value to


4. Have you been guilty of shedding innocent blood?

5. What did you learn from the steps to avoid shedding innocent blood?

Ministry Opportunities:

2 nd - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

2 nd - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians- 8-9pm

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"You ain't all that!" - Proverbs 6:16-19

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 1

Title: You Ain’t All That !

Quote: Wherever God sees pride lifting itself on high, He revolves to level it in the



I. Six, Yes, Seven (v.16)

II. One, Sinful Pride (v.17a)


1. Are you guilty of having a lop-sided view of God? ( i.e. only God is Love)

2. Did you ever view yourself as a scoundrel?

3. What did you learn about the words: “hate” and “abomination”?

4. What did you learn about “haughtiness”?

5. What did you learn about the three varieties of pride?

6. What did you learn about the characteristics of pride?

Ministry Opportunities:

25 th - Corporate Prayer- Prayer of Thanksgiving 7:00-7:30pm

25 th - Corporate Bible Study- Hypotheticals- 2 Corinthians 7

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Dragnet' - Matthew 13:47-52

Outline- November 15,2020

Title: Dragnet

Text: Matthew 13:47-52

Quote: The Biblical idea of understanding isn’t just having a head full of

knowledge or facts but that it’s the right and proper application of those facts.


I. God’s Glorious Kingdom Dragnet ( vv. 47-50)

II. Godly Kingdom Understanding (vv.51-52)


1. How well do you handle punishment/discipline? How well do you handle

God’s discipline/punishment of you? Do you ever think it’s unfair?

2. Have you ever said you understand something when you really haven’t?

What do you think of the biblical definition of godly understanding which

includes not just knowledge or facts but having the right and proper

application of those facts?

3. Discipleship/Scribe-what is meant by not overemphasizing learning at the

expense of living?

4. What do you think of the growing discipleship test: Do you want more of

God’s Word or less?

Ministry Opportunity:

18 th - 7:00-7:30pm- Corporate Prayer

18 th - 8:00-9:00pm- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7 Hypothetical

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"This Little Light of Mine" - Mark 4:21-25

Text: Mark 4:21-25

Title: This Little Light of Mine

Quote: The saint who has been enlighten must in turn enlighten others.


I. The Divine Purpose and Power of Light ( vv.21-22)

II. Divine Privileges of Listening and Hearing ( vv.23-25)

Ministry Application:

1. How are you doing in sharing the Light that has been given to you? Is your light shining or are you hiding it? Are you allowing the Word to be a lamp unto your feet or are you walking in darkness?

2. Are you careful to what you listen to? Do you understand- garbage in, garbage out? How well are you doing as it pertains to the 3 C’s- cautioned, counseled, comforted?

3. Are you a reservoir or a conduit?

4. Do you have a better understanding of the difference between listening and hearing?

Ministry Opportunities:

11th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

11th- Corporate Bible Study 2 Corinthians 7:13-18/Review- 8:00-9:00pm

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Agents of Change " - Matthew 13:33-35

Title: Agents of Change

Text: Matthew 13:33-35

Quote: After a person receives Christ for eternity, he/she must represent Christ in history.


A Catalyst ( v.33)

A Revealer ( vv. 34-35)

Ministry Application:

Do you understand the difference between “exegesis” and “eisegesis”?

Are you allowing God to use you to slowly transform the world’s culture?

In 2020, what spiritual insights have you gleamed concerning Kingdom Truths/Principles?

Are you failing to make an impact due to a lack of godly contact with the world?

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"GODLY PERSPECTIVE OF SIGNIFICANCE" - Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30 - 32

Title: Godly Perspective of Significance

Text: Matthew 13:31-32 and Mark 4:30-32

Quote: Significance is a matter of perspective


I. Sowing of a Mustard Seed (v.31)

II. Growing of a Mustard Seed (v.32)


1. Are you ever guilty of thinking nothing good can come out of something so


2. Do you truly believe- God has a way of bringing great things out of humble


3. What is the basis of your identity? What or Who are you rooted?

4. What is your perspective on what is significant in life?

Ministry Opportunities:

28 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

28 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:12-15

November 1 st - Time Change- Fall Back 1 Hour!

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Devilish Counterfeiter " - Matthew 13:24-30; 36 - 43

Text: Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43

Title: Devilish Counterfeiter

Quote: Our task is not to pull up the tares, but to allow them to co-exist with the

wheat until harvest time.

Points: I. Presentation of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares ( vv. 24-30)

II. Explanation of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (vv. 36-43)


1. How do you respond to the tares and the enemy that confronts you? Have

you ever had the urge to call down fire on tares?

2. Do you have a better understanding why God allows Truth/False-Good/Evil

to co-exist?

3. Have you ever been a listener/follower of the enemy’s counterfeit gospels?

4. Why do you think the sons of the Kingdom of God spend more time judging

the sons of evil than shining the light of truth?

Ministry Opportunities:

21 st - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

21 st - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7:12-15- 8:00-9:00pm

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

Kingdom of GOD -p.2 - Matthew 13:5-9, 20-23

Outline- October 11, 2020

Title: Kingdom of God- Part 2

Text: Matthew 13:5-9, 20-23

Quote: The Bible has not become impotent, just sadly abandoned by the citizens

of the Kingdom of God.


I. Shallow Soil (vv. 5-6)

II. Explanation of Shallow Soil (vv. 20-21)

III. Shared Soil ( v. 7)

IV. Explanation of Shared Soil ( v.22)


1. When was the last season in your believing life, when God’s Seed ( i.e.

Kingdom Truths/Principles) were sown on your shallow soil? Do you live

life based on impulses and/or instincts?

2. Do you find yourself whenever you “broadcast” God’s Seed that you look

for shallow soil?

3. As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, have there been times when God’s Seed

is choked off by your worries of this present age and the deceitfulness of

riches? If yes, what did you finally do to kill the weeds/thorns?

4. Have you had seasons when you were so busy living that you did not think

how you were living?

5. What do you think of the following statement: “Miscellaneous things can

become the cause of spiritual strangulation”?

6. How well do you understand your productivity ( i.e. fruit production) is

directly linked to your abiding in Christ? ( i.e. faithfulness as a citizen of the

Kingdom of God)

Ministry Opportunities:

October 12 th - GLD Conference- 9am-noon ( Virtual)

October 14 th – Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

October 14 th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm ( 2 Cor. 7:11-15)

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Kingdom of GOD p.1" - Matthew 13:1-4, 18-19

Outline-October 4, 2020

Text: Matthew 13:1-4, 18-19

Title: Kingdom of God-Part 1

Quote: If God’s Word is not working, you need to check the ground it landed on,

because there is nothing wrong with the seed.


I. Background of Parables ( vv. 1-3a)

II. The First Soil ( vv. 3b-4)

III. Explanation of the First Soil ( vv. 18-19)


1. Do you reveal the number of times you rejected the gospel message before

you finally accepted? What were some of your excuses/reasons for not


2. What did you learn about the mirror and window as it relates to the

function of parables?

3. Have you mistakenly believed that your human wisdom/intelligence can

understand God’s parables?

4. How well are you “broadcasting” the Seed?

5. What do you think of the following statement: The Gospel is always a

fruitful seed as to its power, but not as to its produce?

Ministry Opportunities:

7 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

7 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:11-15

12 th - GLD Virtual Conference- 9am-noon

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Broken Promises - p.2" - Nehemiah 13:15-31

Outline- September 27, 2020

Text: Nehemiah 13:15-31

Title: Broken Promises- Part 2

Quote: Rationalize: Allowing my mind to find reasons to excuse what my spirit knows is wrong.


I. Broken Promise Concerning The Sabbath ( vv. 15-22)

II. Broken Promise Concerning Marriage ( vv. 23-31)


1. In what way(s) do you honor the Lord’s Day? What reasons/excuses have you given for dishonoring the Lord’s Day? Do you view dishonoring the Lord’s Day as evil, as profane? Why or Why not?

2. Before you got married or before you get married, how important was it , or is it, that you and your spouse share the same faith in God?

3. Do you believe the Church is truly offended by interfaith marriages? Do you believe the Church is prepared to take radical measures to defend marriage? Is it a belief or conviction that believers are only to marry other believers?

4. How does co-habitation and divorce adversely undermine the sanctity of marriage? Why do you believe the Church does not view co-habitation and divorce as evil and wicked and profane?

Ministry Opportunities:

30th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00pm-7:30pm

30th -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00pm-9:00pm – 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

4th- Church Launch-In-Person Worship Service- 11am ( only reserved worshippers will attend)

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Broken Promises - p.1 " - Nehemiah 13:1-14

Text: Nehemiah 13:1-14

Title: Broken Promises- Part 1


I. Broken Promise Concerning Separation ( vv. 1-3)

II. Broken Promise Concerning Neglecting God’s House ( vv. 4-14)

Quote: When complacency sets in, compromise happens


1. Do you live by your beliefs or your convictions? How many convictions do

you truly have? Do you have more preferences, beliefs or convictions?

2. When you look at your life, are there a lot of broken promises? To whom

have you broken the most promises? Why?

3. What sin have you brought into the church? Have you given a chamber in

your heart to any Tobiah?

4. Do you grow weary as a spiritual leader since the enemy seems to never


5. Have you ever prayed like Nehemiah-“Remember me for this, O my God”?

Ministry Opportunities:

23 rd - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-m-7:30

23 rd – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00pm- 9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Promises, Promises, Promises" - Nehemiah 10

Title: Promises, Promises, Promises

Text: Nehemiah 10

Quote: Winston Churchill – We make a living by what we get, but we make a life

by what we give.

Points: I. Solemn Signers ( vv. 1-27)

II. Solemn Promises ( vv. 28-38)


1. As a leader, do you lead from behind or from the front?

2. Is your obedience motivated out of fear or joy?

3. Which philosophy do you follow concerning promises- Old School or New


4. Have you made any of the four promises? ( i.e. Submission, Separation,

Sabbath, Support? If so, how well are you keeping your promise?

Ministry Opportunities:

September 16 th – Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

September 16 th – Corporate Bible Study-8:00-9:00pm 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Awesome GOD" - Nehemiah 9:14-17

Text: Nehemiah 9:14-17

Title: Awesome God

Quote: Unless we know that we have missed a mark, we have no mark to return


Points: I. Stubborn Saints (vv. 14-17b)

II. Awesome God (v.17c)


1. Have you ever blamed God for the mess you are in? Do you have a

problem admitting you are wrong?

2. What do you think of the following statement: Separation without

devotion to the Lord becomes isolation, but devotion without separation is


3. What did you learn about Chuck Swindoll’s Four Spiritual Discipline To

Cultivating Intimacy? ( i.e. Simplicity, Silence, Solitude, Surrender)

4. Do you struggle with being arrogant? What areas are you stiff-necked

about as it relates to Word?

5. When was the last time God left you speechless? What does it mean that

the God is slow to anger?

Ministry Opportunities;

9 th - Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

9 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Celebration" - Nehemiah 8:9-12

Text: Nehemiah 8:9 of -12

Title: Celebration

Quote: We look to the Word for correction and encouragement.


I. Time to Weep ( v.9)

II. Time to Celebrate ( vv.10-12)


1. How often do you mourn over your sin? How often do you mourn over the

sins of others? Meditate on Psalm 139:23; Heb. 4:12

2. Have you ever viewed repentance as the prelude to spiritual celebration?

3. What do you think of the following statement: The pleasure we seek is in

God Himself. God is the end of our search, not the means to some further


4. Do you view God as a God of joy? Do you view celebrating as a means of

doing closer to God?

Ministry Opportunities:

September- 2 nd - Corporate Prayer-7:00-7:30

September-2 nd - Corporate Bible Study 2 Corinthians 7

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Let The Church Say Amen" - Nehemiah 8:6-8

August 23rd -Outline

Text: Nehemiah 8:6-8

Title: Let The Church Say Amen

Quote: Unused truth becomes as useless as an unused muscle. A. W. Tozer


I. The Word Should Lead To Adoration (v.6)

II. The Word Should Lead To Application (vv. 7-8)


1. When was the last time you were moved to worship?

2. According to today’s message, how well are you doing as it relates to the six-fold way of glorifying God?

3. Has the Holy Spirit moved you to lift up holy hands? To bow low in worship? To prostrate yourself before the Lord? If not, why not?

4. What resources do you utilize to give you understanding? How well are you applying the Word to your daily living?

Ministry Opportunities:

26th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00pm

26th- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

God said it- I believe it! - Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5

Outline-August 16, 2020

Text: Nehemiah 8:1-4a,5

Title: God said it- I believe it!

Quote: never let good books take the place of the Bible. Drink from the Well, not

from the streams that flow from the Well. Amy Carmichael


I. Read the Word (vv. 1-3)

II. Respect the Word (vv. 4a-5)


1. What did you learn about experiencing a spiritual revival? Are you in need

of a revival?

2. Have you taken the Word out of the church and to the streets, you

community, your social media page?

3. Do you truly believe that within the Bible are all the answers to all the

problems that you will face, if only you, would read and believe?

4. Does your life demonstrate that you realize the importance of God’s Word?

How much time do you spend in God’s Word?

5. How do you demonstrate that you respect and revere the Word?

6. Are you a Practicing Christian, Non-Practicing Christian, or Non-Christian?

7. What is your Bible Engagement based on frequency, centrality, impact?

8. What impacted you most concerning own Bible User discussion?

Ministry Opportunities:

19 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

19 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 7:5-7)

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

Intimidation - Nehemiah 6:10-16

August 9, 2020- Outline

Text: Nehemiah 6:10-16

Title: Intimidation


I. Intimidating Threats ( vv. 10-14)

II. Intimidating Tasks ( vv. 15-16)

Quote: Wise counselors know the God of the Bible and know the Bible of God.


1. What intimidates you the most? What helps to remind you that you are not alone?

2. To whom do you seek advice/counsel? Do you listen to people based on who they are, how well they say it, or on what they say?

3. What do you think the following means: “Wise counselors know the God of the Bible and know the Bible of God.”

4. What are you fleeing from? Are you fleeing from your spiritual responsibilities?

5. What has God done in your life that others see or hear that it was only God that made it possible?


August 12th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

August 12th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7:3-7

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

What you don’t know intrigues you more than what you do know - Nehemiah 6:1-9

August 2,2020-Outline

Text: Nehemiah 6:1-9

Title: Intrigue

Quote: What you don’t know intrigues you more than what you do know.


I. Intriguing Invitations ( vv. 1-4)

II. Intriguing News ( vv.5-9)


1. How do you prepare yourself after God provides you a spiritual accomplishment/mountaintop experience?

2. Have you experienced any Ono invitations? If so, when did you begin to discern that this invitation was not for you as a child of God?

3. Do you see yourself involved in “great work” for the Lord Almighty? Why or Why not? Did today’s message help you to appreciate the “great work” God has assigned you?

4. During our message we addressed five lessons learned, which of the 5 impacted you the most? Why?

5. Have you ever been slandered? Have you ever slandered someone? How do you respond when your name is slandered?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

5th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 7:2-5

23rd or 29th- Re-opening In-person Service-

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