
" Life’s Distractions " Scriptural Text : 1 Samuel 17:22-30

Outline-February 26,2023

Title: Life’s Distractions

Text: 1 Samuel 17:22-30

Quote: Expect life distractions and then overcome them.


I. Becoming Aware of the Battle (vv. 22-23)

II. Engaging in the Battle ( vv. 24-27)

III. Losing Focus of the Main Battle ( vv. 28-30)


1. How well do you follow instructions? Do you find yourself adding or subtracting from the instructions you are given?

2. When you become personally aware of a battle, how do you determine if you are to engage or disengage? Are you an engaged or disengaged Christian?

3. Do you struggle with seeing beyond your fears? What steps do you take to see beyond your fears?

4. What motivates you- personal gain, personal happiness or glorifying God?

5. Do you perceive your life distractions as ways to destroy you, or develop you?

Ministry Opportunities:

1st-Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45

1st – Corporate Bible Study- Application Time- Church of Ephesus

4th – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30

5th- Lord’s Supper

" Something To Rejoice About" Scriptural Text : Acts 8:25-31; 35-39

Outline- February 19, 2023

Title: Something To Rejoice About

Text: Acts 8:25-31; 35-39

Quote: Obedience is a habit we must develop in our daily life.


I. Rejoicing In Our Divine Appointments ( vv. 25-28)

II. Rejoicing In Our Divine Understanding ( vv. 29-31)

III. Rejoicing In Our Divine Conversion ( vv. 35-39)


1. How well are you watching for opportunities? How well are you listening for God’s voice? How much is God’s voice leading you?

2. What do you think of the following statement: “When the Spirit brings a prepared servant and a contrite sinner together, there will be a harvest”?

3. What did you learn about “successful witnessing”?

4. What did you learn about baptism? What kept you from getting baptized?

Ministry Opportunities:

19th- Baptism Sunday

22nd – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

22nd – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm

" Carrying Out The Father’s Business" Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 17:12-20a

Outline- February 12, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:12-20a

Title: Carrying Out The Father’s Business

Quote: Our job doesn’t define us-we define our job


I. The Father’s Children ( vv. 12-15)

II. The Father’s Errand ( vv. 16-20a)


1. Does your presence calm the situation or does it intensify the situation?

2. How long has your giant stalked you?

3. Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully?

4. What do you think of the following statement: “The giant you are facing

may just be God’s means of getting you to ask Him for the blessing He has

been waiting to give you all along”?

5. How well are you doing in providing wellness check for your brothers and

sisters in Christ?

Ministry Opportunities:

12 th - Wedding of Blake and Mia @ 3:30

15 th – Charter @4:00

15 th – Corporate Praise and Prayer @ 7-7:45pm

15 th – Corporate Bible Study @ 8pm- Church of Ephesus

18 th – Funeral of Melvin Sanders-Gatlings Funeral Home-11:30

19 th - Baptism Sunday


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"Willing To Battle," Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 17:1-11

Outline- February 5, 2023

Title: Willing To Battle

Text: 1 Samuel 17:1-11

Quote: Focus on giants-you stumble; Focus on God-your giants tumble. Max Lucado


I. The Location of the Battle ( vv. 1-3)

II. The Intimidation of the Battle ( vv. 4-7)

III. The Redefinition of the Battle ( vv. 8-11)

Sermon Application:

1. As a believer in Jesus Christ, do you truly believe you may be victorious in spite of life’s obstacles?

2. As a believer in Jesus Christ, do you know that your three main enemies are Satan, The Flesh, The World?

3. Do you focus too much on the size of your giants rather the size of your God?

4. Have you allowed the enemy to redefine the terms of engagement for battle?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Baptism Class after Morning Service

8th- Corporate Praise and Prayer Missiles- 7:745pm

8th- Corporate Bible Study- Church of Ephesus- 8-9pm

12th- Wedding- Mia and Blake- 3:30/ Reception by Invitation Only

19th -Baptism Sunday

"Calming The Savage Beast," Scriptural Text :1 Samuel 16:14-23

Outline-January 29,2023

Title: Calming The Savage Beast

Text: 1 Samuel 16:14-23

Quote: What God permits He is often said to do.


I. An Evil Spirit ( vv. 14-16) II. A Musician ( vv. 17-20) III. An Armor-Bearer ( vv. 21-23)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about the difference of the operation of the Holy Spirit between the Old Testament and New Testament?

2. What is your reputation amongst unbelievers? What is your reputation amongst believers? Do you understand the difference between reputation and character?

3. What do you think of the statement: “ God normally trains His people in private before He uses them in public”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on God’s Tools? ( i.e. Sameness, Secrecy, Solitude)

5. When you are overwhelmed/troubled/terrorized, where do you seek relief?

Ministry Opportunities:

1st- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

1st- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9m- Revelation 2-Church of Ephesus

5th- Baptism Class- Immediately Following Morning Service

"God Knows Your Heart," Scriptural Text : 1 Samuel 16:6-13

Outline-January 22, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 16:6-13

Title: God Knows Your Heart

Quote: God is not nearly as impressed with people’s achievements as we are.


I. God’s Heart Check ( vv. 6-7)

II. God’s Heavenly Anointing ( vv. 8-13)


1. What does the Lord see when He sees your heart?

2. What do you think of the statement: “God is not nearly as impressed with people’s achievements as we are”?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on “Three Aspects of Having A Heart After God”?

4. What do you think of the statement: “ If we want to be used by the Lord, let us be encouraged to be faithful where we are. Grow where you are planted”?

5. What do you think of the statement: “God loves to color outside the lines of human expectations”?

Ministry Opportunities:

25th- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

25th – Corporate Bible Study- Church of Ephesus- 8-9pm

"Chosen By God," Scriptural Text : 1 Samuel 16:1-5

Outline-January 15, 2023

Title: Chosen By God

Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-5


I. God’s Sovereign Providence- vv. 1-2

II. God’s Sovereign Plan -vv. 3-5

Quote: Faith is counting on Him when we do not know what tomorrow holds


1. Do you remember the last time you asked for something that was not best for you?

2. What dd you learn from our “Three Strike” discussion?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on “God’s Call For Action”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on God’s Sovereignty?


Ministry Opportunities:

16th- Sis. Susan Wilson’s Funeral- Orland Christian Reformed Church- 7500 W. Sycamore Drive, Orland Park, IL- 9am- Viewing, 10am- Services

18th- Charter- 4pm

18th- Corporate Praise- 7pm / Corporate Bible Study- 8pm- Revelations 2- Church of Ephesus

19th- Ministerial-11:30am- Villa Park, IL

20th- Carolyn Jordan’s ( sister of Sis. Joan) Funeral-Morning Missionary Baptist Church- 2075 Kentucky Street, Gary, Indiana- Visitation-9-11/ Services- 11

21st – Donnie Verges- nephew of Dorothy Coleman- Funeral will be held in Georgia

"Another Chance God," Luke 18:41-43

Outline-January 8, 2023

Title: Another Chance God

Text: Luke 18:41-43

Quote: Great faith greatly honors God


I. Restoration Prayer ( vv. 41-42)

II. Celebration Praise ( v.43)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about why God ask us questions?

2. When was the last time you prayed a restoration prayer?

3. What did you learn about the faith needed to pray a restoration prayer?

4. How plugged in are you in celebrating God’s Goodness?

5. How closely are you following the Lord Almighty?

6. What do you think of the statement: “Personal faith is a rejoicing faith”?

Ministry Opportunities:

** Bible Study- New Series- Seven Churches of Revelation- begins January 11th

"Believing Is Seeing," Luke 18:35-40

Outline-January 1, 2023

Title: Believing Is Seeing

Text: Luke 18:35-40

Quote: Our hindrances will either motivate us to fight on or discourage us and encourage us to give up.


I. Believing Is Seeing ( vv. 35-38)

II. Believing Is Believing ( vv. 39-40)


1. When you look back over your life, how blind have you’ve been to experiencing encounters with God?

2. When did you first see Jesus as God?

3. Do you understand the difference between “seeing is believing” and “believing is seeing”?

4. Do you live your life with a “Carpe Diem” mindset?

5. How do you hinderances affect you?

Ministry Opportunity:

4th- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

4th- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm

"The Expected Inexpectancy," Luke 1:26-32, 34

Outline-December 18, 2022

Text: Luke 1:26-32,34

Title: The Expected Inexpectancy

Quote: Riches make no one honorable; and poverty makes no one dishonorable


I. Planned Meeting ( vv. 26-27)

II. Planned Encounter ( vv. 28-29)

III. Planned Greatness ( vv. 30-32,34)


1. What did you learn about the importance of the Virgin Birth?

2. How do you normally respond when the Lord interrupts your plans?

3. What does it mean to you that the Lord is with you?

4. What did you learn about Gabriel’s annunciation?

Ministry Opportunities:

18th – Kidz Zone

18th - Members’ Meeting

21st – Charter- 4pm

21st – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7pm; Bible Study-8pm

25th- Birth of Christ Service-11am

"Stepping Down But Still Glorious," Philippians 2:5-8

Outline-December 11, 2022

Title: Stepping Down But Still Glorious

Text: Philippians 2:5-8

Impactful Bible Verse of the Week: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45


I. Stately Preexistence ( vv. 5-6)

II. Servile Position (v.7)

III. Stunning Perfection (v.8)


1. How are you doing with your mindset?

2. Do you cling to your rights? Are you willing to relinquish your glories?

3. How eagerly do you take on the role of a servant? Have you ever felt some form of ministry/service was beneath you? Why or Why not?

Ministry Opportunities:

14th- Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm/Corporate Bible Study- Titus 3-8pm

16th – Seniors’ Luncheon- 1pm

17th – Ladies’ Small Group-10am

18th – Members’ Meeting- Immediately Following Morning Worship

"House of Bread," Micah 5:2

Outline-December 4, 2022

Text: Micah 5:2

Title: House of Bread

Quote: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper


I. The Precious Place (v.2a)

II. The Prophetic Plan (v.2b)

III. The Powerful Person (v.2c)

Sermon Application:

1. What steps do you take to focus on spiritual matters rather than material

possessions? What steps do you take to not place your hope in things?

2. What did you learn about the small town of Bethlehem?

3. What did you learn about God’s Plans?

4. What did you learn about God’s First and Second Advent?

Ministry Opportunities:

7 th - Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

7 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm

10 th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30am

16 th - Seniors’ Luncheon- 1pm

17 th – Ladies’ Small Group-10am

18 th - Members’ Meeting- After Morning Worship

"A Made Up, Messed Up Mind." Romans 1:26-32


Text: Romans 1:26-32

Title: A Made Up, Messed Up Mind

Quote: Satan can only take that which is from God and pervert it.


I. Unnatural Living (vv.26-27)

II. Unnatural Thinking ( vv.28-32)


1. What did you learn from our discussion on “Steps to Sin”?

2. What did you learn from our discussion of “natural” vs. “unnatural”?

3. What did you think of the statement: “sexual freedom turns out to bondage and enslavement”?

4. What did you learn from our “Three-Fold Application” discussion?

5. What did you learn from our discussion of the 21 negative qualities?

Ministry Opportunities:

November 30th- Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

November 30th Corporate Bible Study Titus 3- 8pm

December 3- Sis. Marguerite’s mother-Lillian A. Ricks- J.W. Memorial A.M.E. Church-911 S. 6th Avenue-Maywood, IL 60153- Viewing-9:30-10:30/ Services 10:30-12. ( Wake- December 2nd- 4pm-7pm- Wallace Funeral Home 2020 W. Roosevelt Road-Broadview, IL)

"Emancipation from God" - Romans 1:21-25

Text: Romans 1:21-25

Title: Emancipation from God

Quote: Light rejected is light denied


I. Failure to Honor God- (vv. 21-23)

II. Failure to Accept God’s Truth ( vv. 24-25)


1. When you look back over your life- do you now see how foolish you were

when you thought you were so wise?

2. What have you exchanged for the glory of the incorruptible God?

3. What idols did you use to have before accepting Christ? What idols do you

still have?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on “idols”?

5. Is there anything luring your devotion and worship away from God?

6. What did you learn from our discussion on- “God gave them over”?

7. What do you think of the following: The greatest judgment God can inflict

on us is to let us have our own way?

Ministry Opportunities:

20 th – Kidz Zone

23 rd - Corporate Praise- Night of Thanksgiving- 7-7:45pm

23 rd – Corporate Bible Study- Titus 3- 8pm

" God’s Loving Wrath" - Romans 1:18

Outline-November 13, 2022

Text: Romans 1:18

Title: God’s Loving Wrath

Quote: God is perfect in His love is, but He is also perfect in His holiness and judgment.


I. God’s Wrath ( v. 18a)

II. Focus of God’s Wrath (v.18b)

III. Cause of God’s Wrath (v. 18c)


1. How much do you think about the wrath of God? What impact does God’s wrath have on you?

2. Has the wrath of God ever been offensive to your sensibilities?

3. What did you learn about “ungodliness” and “unrighteousness”?

4. What did you learn about suppressing the truth in righteousness?

Ministry Opportunities:

15th- Advisory Board Meeting

16th- Corporate Praise- 7pm

16th- Corporate Bible Study-8pm

19th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

"Revealed Living," Romans 1:17

Outline-November 6, 2022

Text: Romans 1:17

Title: “Revealed Living”

Quote: F.A.I.T.H.- Forsaking All I Trust Him


I. Righteousness Revealed ( v. 17a)

II. Faith Living (v.17b)


1. What did you learn from the 5 Reformation principles? ( 3-Sola, Solus, Soli)

2. What did you learn about “saving faith” from today’s message?

3. What did you learn from today’s message concerning, first faith vs. second faith?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on the F.A.I.T.H. acronym?

5. What did you learn from today’s message on “living faith”?

Ministry Opportunities:

9th- Corporate Praise and Prayer-7-7:45pm

9th – Corporate Bible Study- Titus 3- 8-9pm

12th – Men’s Small Group

15th- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm

"Shameless and Powerless Saints," Romans 1:16

Outline-October 30, 2022

Text: Romans 1:16

Title: Shameless and Powerless Saints

Quote: There are many religions but only one true gospel.


I. I’m Not Ashamed ( v. 16a)

II. I’m Not Powerful ( v. 16b)


1. Have there been times in which you were ashamed of the gospel? Why? Have you been guilty of attempting to “sell the gospel”?

2. What does it mean to you that the gospel is available to all?

3. What did you learn from the discussion on “belief”?

4. What did you learn about the importance of the gospel?

Ministry Opportunities: November-Persecuted Church/Saints- Harvest Offering

2nd- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

2nd -Corporate Bible Study – 8-9pm

5th- Couples’ Small Group “Death Do Us Part “- 10:30am

6th – Lord’s Supper

15th – Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm

"Ain't Misbehavin Saints" Romans 1:9-15

Outline-October 23, 2022

Title: Ain’t Misbehavin Saints

Text: Romans 1:9-15

Quote: When nothing else matters in our life but what matters to the Lord Almighty, God’s Work, God’s Will get done.


I. Behaving As Committed Saints ( v.9)

II. Behaving As Prayerful Saints ( vv. 10-13)

III. Behaving As Obligated Saints ( vv. 14-15)


1. What did you learn about what a “committed saint” looks like?

2. Why do you serve?

3. Do you view your prayer life as a ministry? If yes, why? If not, why?

4. What is the focus of your prayers?

5. What did you learn about Paul’s prayer life?

6. What did you learn about Paul’s eagerness to visit from Rome?

7. What did you learn about effective ministry?

8. Do you sense a sense of obligation?

Ministry Opportunities:

23rd- Pastor and Leadership Appreciation

26th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

26th – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm – Titus 2

29th – Sis. Rita’s Housewarming Celebration- 2pm-5pm

277 Juniper Street, Park Forest- On Street Parking

"I’m Beloved of God" Romans 1:7-8

Outline- October 16, 2022

Text: Romans 1:7-8

Title: I’m Beloved of God

Quote: Grace is what we receive, peace is what we experience


I. The Beloved- v. 7

II. The Beloved’s Faithfulness- v. 8


1. What does it mean to you to know that you are beloved of God?

2. What did you learn about your “sainthood”?

3. What did you think of the following statement: “God’s plan for our lives is that we become different than others who live around us”?

4. Before today’s message, did you understand grace equips and empowers the saint for Christian life and service?

5. Is your faith being proclaimed on your block, your city, your state?

Ministry Opportunities:

19th- Charter- 4pm

19th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

19th – Corporate Bible Study- Titus 2- 8-9pm

21st – Charles Brass’ sister’s Agatha Annette Butler-funeral- A.A. Rainey- 5911 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60644 Visitation 10- Funeral 11

23rd- Pastor and Leadership Appreciation Sunday- following Morning Worship

29th – Sis. Rita’s Housewarming Gathering- October 29th-2pm-5pm- 277 Juniper Street, Park Forest ( Only Street Parking Available)

"The Precious Gospel of God," Romans 1:2-6

Outline- October 9, 2022

Text: Romans 1:2-6

Title: The Precious Gospel of God

Quote: Christianity is not just the teaching of Jesus-Rather, Christianity is Jesus



I. The Precious Promise One ( v.2)

II. The Precious Powerful One ( vv. 3-4)

III. The Precious Performing One (vv. 5-6)


1. Have certain words like “gospel”, “salvation” become academic or no

longer moved you?

2. How does it impact your Christian life that Jesus Christ was not an

afterthought? That you are not an afterthought?

3. When you share the Gospel do you bring the discussion back to the Person

and Work of Jesus Christ or does it center around you?

4. Please read and meditate on Philippians 2:5-8

5. What did you learn from our discussion on the three titles of the Lord


6. What did you learn from our discussion of the three things we receive?

Ministry Opportunities:

10 th 11 th - GLD Conference Saint Joseph, Michigan

12 th - Corporate Praise/Prayer- 7pm-7:45pm

12 th - Corporate Bible Study-8-9pm- Titus 2

15 th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10am

23 rd – Pastor and Leadership Appreciation- following Morning Service