"Hope in The Lord Almighty- p.2" - Luke 2:29-35
Text: Luke 2:29-35
Title: Hope In The Lord Almighty- Part 2
Quote: The whole world is affected in one way or another by Jesus
Point: I. Hope In Christ Fulfilled
Sermon Application:
1.Are you spiritually ready to depart in peace?
2.What’s tying you down to this earth?
3.What did you learn about the- The Stone, The Sign and The Sword?
4. Are you still excited, joyful about your salvation? If yes, why? If not, why?
Ministry Opportunity:
30th – Corporate Prayer- “Evening of Praise and Thanks” 7:00-7:30pm
30th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:4-5- 8:00-9:00pm