listening and obeying

"Speak Into My Life" - 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Outline- July 9, 2023

Title: Speak Into My Life

Text: 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Quote: Remember-The Christian life is about others, not you./ Words that aren’t backed up actions are empty.


I. In The Wilderness ( v. 15)

II. Receiving Encouragement In The Wilderness ( vv. 16-18)


1. While in the wilderness, do you become discouraged? Where do you find encouragement?

2. What did you learn about spiritual encouragement? What did you learn about real encouragement?

3. In the 21st Century Church, do you believe the ministry of encouragement is lacking? Why?

4. What did you learn about the three requirements of encouragement?

Ministry Opportunities:

16th – Kidz Zone

16th – Members’ Meeting- After Morning Service

16th – VBS Meeting and Decoration- After Members’ Meeting

19th-21st - VBS-7-8:30pm

23rd- Church Picnic

30th – Sunday School- 9:30am

"Shhh- God Is Speaking!" Exodus 9:18-24,26

August 22, 2021- Outline

Text: Exodus 9:18-24,26

Title: Shhh- God Is Speaking!

Quote: Listening is the beginning of prayer


I. Deadly Storm ( vv. 18-19)

II. Deadly Listening ( vv. 20-21)

III. Deadly Danger ( vv. 22-24,26)


1. What did you think about the Hebrew word that means “a failure to listen”?

2. What type of listener are you? (i.e. Active, Passive, Forgetful)

3. Are you a good listener? What are your ears trained to hear?

4. What did you learn from our discussion concerning myths about hearing God?

Ministry Opportunities:

25th –Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

25th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 11: 5-11- 8:00-9:00pm

31st- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm- Zoom