
"Lest We Forget" - Deu 4:9, Hos. 13:1-6

Topic: Lest We Forget

Text: Deut. 4:9, Hos. 13:1-6

Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the

things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you

live… (NIV)

Lesson Points

Cause of Forgetting God

Effect of Forgetting God


Grumbling, whining, and thanklessness are not ultimately the heart’s

responses to circumstances, but to God.


1. If forgetting God was a deadly disease what would you do to prevent

contracting it?

2. Have you ever promised to pray for someone and forgot? Who did you

forget…the person or God?

3. Do you believe you earned the good things in your life or that they were

blessings from a gracious God?

4. How much do you value what God says? How much do the scriptures

influence your decision making?

5. ‘Count your blessings, name them one by one…’ take some time today to

identify some of the blessings God gave this past week.

"Where's My Fly Swatter" - Exodus 8:20-32

Outline-July 18, 2021

Text: Exodus 8:20-32

Title: “Where’s My Fly Swatter”

Quote: Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you

do with the best you have.


I. Swarming Flies ( vv. 20-24)

II. Stretching Forward ( vv. 25-30)

Sermon Application:

1. Are you an early riser with God? What do you worship first thing in the


2. What steps do you take to live separate from the world?

3. What do you think of the following statement: It’s not the methods, the

tools, or the people that have the power- it’s the Lord Almighty.

4. What did you learn about our discussion on: “ Don’t Go Too Far”?

Ministry Opportunities:

Upcoming Morning Speakers;

25 th - Elder Joseph Hyligar

1 st – Elder Joseph Hyligar- will lead Lord’s Supper

8 th – Former Elder Gilbert Russell

Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- will resume August 11 th

"The Awesome Finger of GOD" - Exodus 8:16-19

Outline-July 11, 2021

Title: The Awesome Finger of God

Text: Exodus 8:16-19

Quote: God’s warnings are an act of grace.


I. Annoying Gnats ( vv. 18-17)

II. Awesome God ( vv. 18-19)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you find yourself placing God in a box? Do you think you know how God will respond?

2. What steps do you take to be reminded of the greatness/awesomeness of God? Why is God awesome to you? Do you remember God’s greatness when things are not going the way you think they should?

3. What did you learn about the finger of God?

Ministry Opportunities:

14th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

14th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- Application Time- 2 Cor. 10

"Tomorrow" - Exodus 8:1-10

Outline- July 4, 2021

Text: Exodus 8:1-10

Title: “Tomorrow”

Quote: God is not moved by our success but rather by our motives.


I. A Disturbing Dilemma ( vv. 1-7)

II. A Disturbing Decision ( vv. 8-10)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you find yourself making deals with God instead of praying to God? Are

your prayers really attempts at making deals with God?

2. Do you find yourself praying with wrong motives?

3. How often do your prayers include confession? ( i.e. Soul-Cleaning Prayers)

4. Are your prayers more physical in nature than spiritual? ( i.e. Spiritual


5. Are you a procrastinator? What did you learn about procrastination?

Ministry Opportunities:

7 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

7 th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 10:14-18

" Spiritual Heart Failure" - Exodus 7:1-6

Outline-June 27, 2021

Text: Exodus 7:1-6

Title: Spiritual Heart Failure

Quote: Without reflection, stubbornness is nothing more than plain stupidity.


I. A Challenged Heart ( vv. 1-2)

II. A Hardened Heart ( vv. 3-6)

Sermon Application:

1. How well do you know the script God has given us to memorize, meditate

on, and know? Would this assist you in being a better godly spokesperson?

2. When was the last time, God showed you that He was really God?

3. What are some of the factors for a hard heart towards God? What does it

take for your heart to become hard towards God?

4. Are you a stubborn person? How does knowing that God knows everything

affect your stubbornness?

Ministry Opportunities:

30 th - Corporate Prayer- Evening of Praise- 7:00-7:40pm

30 th - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 10:12-18- 8:00-9:00pm

3 rd - Couples’ Small Group- 10:30-12pm ( Register no later than July 1 st )

"Desperate Needed Godly Fathers" - Exodus 2:21-22; 6:20,24; 18:3; 1 Chronicles 23:14-15

Outline-June 20, 2021

Title: Desperate Needed Godly Fathers

Text: Exodus 2:21-22; 6:20,24; 18:3; 1 Chronicles 23:14-15

Quote: Our children must see the Gospel lived as well as preached/taught

Point: I. Godly Fathers Lessons Taught and Learned

Sermon Application:

1. How much do/did you live the Gospel in front of your children compared to

teaching/preaching the Gospel?

2. What did you learn from the five factors concerning “Teaching Our


3. How well do/did you love your children with agape love?

4. How well do/did you provide, protect, pray for you children?

5. How well are you practically taking care of your children?

6. What did you learn about the importance of a “blessing” and a “legacy”?

Ministry Opportunities:

23 rd EFCA National Conference- Virtual

23 rd – Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

23 rd -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 10:10-13

"Promise Keeper" - Exodus 6:1-3, 6-9

Outline- June 13, 2021

Title: Promise Keeper

Text: Exodus 6:1-3, 6-9

Quote: Believe in God, Experience God


I. I Am The Lord ( vv. 1-3)

II. I Am The Promise-Keeper (vv. 6-9)

Sermon Application:

1. When the heat rises in your life, do you run to, or run from God? Why?

2. What do you think of the statement: It is a lot easier to see God’s plan in

hindsight than it to see it in the midst of the storm?

3. Are you guilty of drawing premature conclusions when it concerns God’s

plans for your life? Why?

4. Do you know God only as a Promise Maker and not as a Promise Keeper as

well? Why?

5. Meditate on and pray to the Lord- Isaiah 41:13; 51:12-13a

Ministry Opportunities:

16 th - Corporate Prayer- 7:00-8:00pm

16 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm- 2 Corinthians 10:10-18

"Doubting The Lord Almighty" - Exodus 5:19-23

Outline-June 6, 2021

Title: Doubting The Lord Almighty

Text: Exodus 5:19-23

Quote: Faith is trusting God even when His plan goes against human reason or experience.


I. Attacking the Lord Almighty’s Messenger ( vv. 19-21)

II. Attacking the Lord Almighty ( vv. 22-23)

Sermon Application:

!. When do you become angry? What do you expect to receive from God?

2. Did today’s message change/alter your perspective concerning “doubt”?

3. How do you handle doubt?

4. Do you embrace the mystery of God?

5. Are you comfortable with the phrase – “ I don’t know but God does”?

6. Have your most painful attacks come from within or without?

Ministry Opportunities:

9th – Corporate Prayer – 7:00-7:40pm

9th -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 10:7-9)

12th- Men’s Small Group

12th – P.A.S.S.- Hike for Life 9am-noon

"You Betta Recognize" - Exodus 5:1-4

Title: You Betta Recognize

May 30, 2021

Text: Exodus 5:1-4

Quote: There’s a difference between knowing God and knowing about God. When you truly know God, you have the energy to serve Him, boldness to share Him, and contentment in Him. J. I. Packer


I. Before Royalty ( vv. 1-2)

II. Consequences of Disrespecting Royalty ( vv. 3-4)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you forget who has made man’s mouth, or who makes him mute or dead?

2. How much do you care that your sinful behavior may or can cause the Lord’s anger to burn against you?

3. Do you lack holy boldness to do, to say, what is not within your comfort zone?

4. Who is the Lord to you? When did you transition about knowing about the Lord and knowing the Lord?

5. Do you understand there are consequences for disobedience?

Ministry Opportunity:

2nd- Corporate Prayer- 7:7:40pm

2nd- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm- 2 Corinthians 10:5-9

"Trusting GOD and Letting GO" - Exodus 4:1-5a

Outline- May 23, 2021

Text: Exodus 4:1-5a

Title: Trusting God and Letting Go

Quote: What we hold does not have to hold us


I. In Your Hand ( vv. 1-2)

II. Drop What’s In Your Hand ( vv. 3-5a)

Sermon Application:

1. When was the last time you were confronted by your past?

2. Have you ever asked God to give you something that He was trying to get you to see that you already have?

3. What did you learn from the question-What’s in your hand?

4. What do you think of the following statement?

. We are to be controlled by nothing and no one but the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. What are some things you need to let go?

Ministry Opportunities:

26th – Corporate Prayer- Evening of Praise 7-7:40pm

26th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 10- 8-9pm

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses - Exodus 3:7-14

Text: Exodus 3:7-14

Title: Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Quote: Whoever strives to withdraw from obedience, withdraws from Grace


I. God Knows ( vv. 7-9)

II. Ungodly Excuses ( vv. 10-14)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever thought “God you are taking too long?” Have you questioned whether God cared? If so, how did you stop questioning God?

2. What do you think of a following statement: Whoever strives to withdraw from obedience, withdraws from Grace?

3. What do you think of the following statement: God’s call will always be bigger than you?

4. What did you learn about excuses? Are you prone to making excuses?

5. What did you learn about- “I Am”?

Ministry Opportunities:

19th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

19th- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 10- 8:00-9:00pm

Sacrifices Of A Mother" - Exodus 2:1-10

Outline-May 9, 2021

Text: Exodus 2:1-10

Title: Sacrifices of a Mother

Quote: A faith that hasn’t been tested can’t be trusted.


I. God’s Protection ( vv. 1-4)

II. God’s Providence ( vv. 5-10)

Sermon Application:

1. In what ways is Satan attacking the family in the 21st century? In what ways has he been attacking your family? Are you in prayer over the attacks?

2. Do you have the eye of faith that sees purpose even in problems, or do you let them defeat you and drag you down?

3. During today’s message, what did you learn about God’s Providence?

4. What praises have you given for your mother? How are you praying for your mother? If you are a mother, what are you praying for your children is it things or a relationship and or stronger relationship with the Lord?

Ministry Opportunities:

12th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

12th – Corporate Bible Study- Application-2 Corinthians 9:1-9- 8:00-9:00pm

"The Wildernes Of GOD" - Exodus 3:1-6

Outline-May 2, 2021

Text: Exodus 3:1-6

Title: In The Wilderness With God

Quote: Sometimes you have to go through the wilderness before you get to the Promised Land


I. Divine Encounter In the Wilderness (vv. 1-3)

II. Holy Ground In the Wilderness (vv.4-6)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you believe even your wilderness experiences are being used by God to make you “usable”?

2. When was your most recent “Divine Interruption”? When did you realize it was a “Divine Interruption”?

3. Are you ready to see God whenever He chooses to reveal Himself? Did you understand you were standing on holy ground?

4. When and How has God spoken to you?

Ministry Opportunity:

4th- Advisory- 2020 Leaders- 7pm- Zoom

5th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

5th-Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm 2 Corinthians 9:13-15

"Restoration" - John 21:15-17

Text: John 21:15​-17

Title: Restoration

Quote: If we will only come to Jesus, He will restore our life, no matter what condition it’s in.


I. Confess You Love ( vv. 15-17)

II. Commit Your Love ( vv. 15-17)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever over-estimated your spiritual maturity? How did God reveal to you your true spiritual maturity?

2. How often do you verbally demonstrate your love for the Lord? Do you understand how our confession of our love for the Lord helps us?

3. What steps do you take to deal with your guilty conscience?

4. Do you truly believe the Lord’s arms are wide open to forgive us?

5. What do you think of the statement: “Love craves and thrives on expression”?

6. What do you think of the statement: “Love is not something just to say it is something, we are commanded to do”?

Ministry Opportunities:

21st- Corporate Prayer- 7:00​-7:30pm

21st -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00​-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 9:8-12)

"Gone Fishing" - John 21:3-7

Sermon Outline- April 11, 2021

Title: Gone Fishing

Text: John 21:3-7

Quote: We will always be unsuccessful when we do anything apart from the Lord.


I. Futility (v.3)

II. Failure ( vv. 4-5)

III. Faithful ( vv. 6-7)

Ministry Application:

1. Are you tempted to “turn back” when facing difficult times? Does your “turning back” include old habits, old speaking, hanging with old friends?

2. Are you a leader or a follower? If a leader, are you leading people to Christ or to you?

3. Have you found yourself involved in futile activities?

4. Are you able to appreciate the value of spiritual failure?

5. How are you doing following the Lord’s instructions? Do you only obey those instructions that agreeable to you? What about the “silly/nonsensical” instructions?

Ministry Opportunities:

14th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00​-7:40pm

14th- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 9:7-9- 8:00​-9:00pm

"I Know HE Has and I Will" - 1 Corinthians 15:1-5

Outline-April 4, 2021

Title: “ I Know He Has and I Will”

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-5

Quote: An individual must come to the Cross empty-handed, clinging only the crucified Christ and the empty-tomb!


I. Resurrection Preached and Received ( vv. 1-2)

II. Resurrection of First Importance (vv. 3-5)

Sermon Application

1. Was there ever a time in your life that you were like the Sadducees? ( i.e life after death). If you were talking to someone who holds a Sadducees’ philosophy concerning life after death, how would you share the Gospel?

2. How often do you think of your future bodily resurrection?

3. Do you still struggle with focusing on your works to determine your salvation? The salvation of others? Why or Why not?

4. Do you believe the most serious problem facing the world is sin? Why?

5. In witnessing, are you comfortable utilizing Romans 10:9 in your sharing of the Gospel message to the lost?

Ministry Opportunities:

April 7th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00​-7:40pm

April 7th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00​-9:00​pm- 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

"Thy Will Be Done" - Matthew 26:36-46

Outline-March 28, 2021

Text: Matthew 26:36​-46

Title: Thy Will Be Done

Quote: Watching allows you to see what’s coming and prayer helps you to

endure it.


I. Grieving Savior ( vv. 36-38)

II. Praying Savior (vv. 39-41)

III. Forgiving Savior (vv. 42-46)

Sermon Application:

1. What did you learn about the two Gardens and two Adams?

2. Do you think about what it must have been like for Jesus to be made sin for


3. When was your last Gethsemane experience? Do you have a special place

for prayer? If yes, where/ If no, why not?

4. Do you find yourself at times trying to bend God’s Will? How hard to you

seek God’s Will?

Ministry Opportunities:

31 st - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

31 st – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00​-9:00​pm- 2 Corinthians 9

"What's The Use" - Ecclesiastes 1:7-9

Outline-March 14, 2021

Text: What’s The Use

Title: Ecclesiastes 1:7-9

Quote: If it’s new it’s not true; if it’s true it’s not new. H.A. Ironside


I. Spinning Circles ( vv. 7-8a)

II. Unfulfilling Circles ( vv. 8b-9)

Sermon Application:

1. Have you ever done a “Life Review”? If so, what is the assessment of your life? What have you accomplished? What role has your relationship with the Lord played?

2. What do you think about St. Augustine’s quote? He who has God has everything. He who does not have God has nothing. He who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone.

3. How much weight do you place on your labor/work under the sun? Does your labor/work give you your identity?

4. Have you ever asked yourself- What is the meaning of life? Is life worth living? If someone were to ask you this question-what would you tell them?

5. Does life seem like a treadmill at times? What do you do to get off the treadmill?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th – Corporate Prayer – 7pm-7:30​

17th -Corporate Bible Study- 8pm-9pm 2 Corinthians 8:20​-24

"Comforting Word" - Isaiah 40:6-8

Outline-March 7,2021

Text: Isaiah 40:6-8

Title: Comforting Word

Quote: God’s Word is Bigger Than Our Biggest Problem

Point: I. In Need of Comfort

Sermon Application:

1. When you are hurting/suffering, what role does God’s Word play in comforting you?

2. When you are hurting/suffering what or who do you turn to first, second, third? Why?

3. What scripture(s) provide you comfort when you are going through difficulties? Have you memorized such scriptures? Have you shared such scriptures with others?

Ministry Opportunities:

• There will be no corporate prayer or corporate bible study on March 10th – Pastor and Wonda will be celebrating 31st Wedding Anniversary

17th – Corporate Prayer – 7:00​-7:30pm

17th - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:20​-24- 8:00​-9:00pm

Link to powerpoint

"Unabashed Saints" - Jeremiah 6:16

Outline- February 28, 2021

Text: Jeremiah 6:16​

Title: Unabashed Saints

Quote: We must speak God’s truth in a situation regardless of how it might affect



I. Rejecting God’s Path ( v. 16a-b)

II. Rejecting God’s Reward ( v. 16c-d)

Sermon Application:

1. What are some of the latest crossroads that you have encountered? What

was your reasoning in choosing the path you took?

2. What did you learn from the Five-Point Guidance discussion concerning


3. Do you understand the importance of valuing honor and shame?

4. Do you find yourself leaving the ancient paths just because to do so

includes going through barren places?

5. What did you learn from the “Three Truths” about accepting the ancient

path? ( i.e. reward)

Ministry Opportunities:

3 rd – Corporate Prayer- 7:00​-7:30pm

3 rd – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8: 16-21- 8:00​-9:00pm