
"It's A Big Deal" - 1 Samuel 24:1-7

Outline-July 16, 2023

Title: It’s A Big Deal

Text: 1 Samuel 24:1-7

Quote: A sensitive conscience is a great treasure and a valuable guide.


I. The Cave ( vv. 1-3a)

II. The Big Deal (vv. 3b-7)


1. When a person doesn’t like you is it because you are a believer? Is it

because you have done something to them?

2. When you become aware that an enemy is vulnerable-do you take

advantage of their vulnerability? Why or Why not?

3. What do you think of the following statement: A sensitive conscience is a

great treasure and a valuable guide. Don’t lose it!

4. Do you have a problem with respecting authority?

5. Are you a vengeful/retaliatory person?

Ministry Opportunities:

19th - Charter

19th - 21st - VBS- 7:00-8:30

23rd - Church Picnic

30th – Sunday School- 9:30am

"Speak Into My Life" - 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Outline- July 9, 2023

Title: Speak Into My Life

Text: 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Quote: Remember-The Christian life is about others, not you./ Words that aren’t backed up actions are empty.


I. In The Wilderness ( v. 15)

II. Receiving Encouragement In The Wilderness ( vv. 16-18)


1. While in the wilderness, do you become discouraged? Where do you find encouragement?

2. What did you learn about spiritual encouragement? What did you learn about real encouragement?

3. In the 21st Century Church, do you believe the ministry of encouragement is lacking? Why?

4. What did you learn about the three requirements of encouragement?

Ministry Opportunities:

16th – Kidz Zone

16th – Members’ Meeting- After Morning Service

16th – VBS Meeting and Decoration- After Members’ Meeting

19th-21st - VBS-7-8:30pm

23rd- Church Picnic

30th – Sunday School- 9:30am

"Lead Me, Guide Me" - 1 Samuel 23:1-5, 10-12

Outline-July 2, 2022

Text: 1 Samuel 23:1-5, 10-12

Title: Lead Me, Guide Me

Quote: Before victory comes obedience


I. Obedience Is Seeking God’s Direction ( vv. 1-2)

II. Obedience In Leading God’s People (vv. 3-5)

III. Obedience Is Accepting Betrayal (vv. 10-12)


1. What did you learn from our two-part steps relating to obedience?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on inquiring of the Lord?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on reasons for following chosen leaders?

4. What do you think of the following statement: Do not expect everybody you help to appreciate what you have done?

Ministry Opportunities:

2nd- Lord’s Supper

5th – Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) and Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

16th – Members’ Meeting-After Morning Service

           VBS Meeting and Decoration ( After Members’ Meeting)

19th-21st- VBS- 7-8:30 (Email Pastor Denny for more information)

23rd – Church Picnic- After Morning Service

30th – Sunday School-9:30

"It’s My Fault" - 1 Samuel 22:6-10 & 20-23

Outline-June 25, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 22:6-10 & 20-23

Title: It’s My Fault

Quote: God is a very present help in trouble. However, in worry, you’re on your



I. Unwilling To Accept Responsibility ( vv. 6-10)

II. Willing To Accept Responsibility ( vv. 20-23)


1. Do you suffer with worrying? What steps have you taken to address your


2. Have you ever felt that everyone is out to get you? If so, why? If no, why?

3. What do you think of the following statement: “The worst kind of

accusation or lie is the one that makes you look good and someone else


4. What did you learn from our discussion on “sin”?

5. Do you have a problem with taking responsibility for your actions? Do you

still participate in playing the blame game? What did you learn about the

importance of taking responsibility for our actions?

Ministry Opportunities:

27 th - EFCA Nominating Committee- Zoom 2pm

28 th – Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study-Church of Thyatira

1 st – Couples’ Small Group- “Spiritual Enrichment”- 10:30-noon

2 nd – Lord’ Supper


If you are interested in attending VBS, every person must fill out a registration form. Contact Pastor Denny for more information.

VBS will be July 19th-21st

"MAD Cavemen" -Text: 1 Samuel 22:1-5

Outline-June 18, 2023

Title: “MAD Cavemen”

Text: 1 Samuel 22:1-5

Quote: Being a person after God’s own heart doesn’t mean never experiencing the darkness of the cave.


Entering Your Cave ( vv. 1-2)

Exiting Your Cave ( vv. 3-5) 


What type of bird are you? What type of bird is your husband/your father?

Are you a MAD-Man? Are you a MAD-Woman?

Have you entered your cave seeking to be alone? Seeking to be safe?

Do you fear time alone with God and being shut off from the rest of the world? Why? If not, what steps do you take to be alone with God?

What lessons did you learn the last time you entered a cave?

What did you learn from our discussion on the three lessons concerning leadership?

What do you think of the following statement: “It’s not the storms you weather that define you; it is the way that you weather the storms!”?

What did you learn from the seven lessons taught from Psalm 57 and 142?

Ministry Opportunities:

21st- Charter-4pm

21st- Corporate Praise and Prayer(7pm) and Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

24th- Men’s Prayer Breakfast (9am)

25th -Sunday School-(9:30am-Application from today’s message)

25th -Kidz Zone

1st - Couples Small Group 10:30a

"Undignified Moments" - 1 Samuel 21;1-4,7 and 10-13

Sermon Outline-June 11, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 21;1-4,7 and 10-13

Title: “ Undignified Moments”

Quotes: Wilderness begins with disconnections. It continues with deceit.


I. Undignified Moments of Fear ( vv. 1-4,7)

II. Undignified Moments of Compromise ( vv. 10-13)


1. What is your support system and/or spiritual crutches? Have there been times in which you leaned too heavily on your support system and or spiritual crutches?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on the danger of support system and or spiritual crutches?

3. Have you ever struggled with lying? What steps did you take to stop lying?

4. Have you ever thought you were safer hiding/hanging out with the enemy/sinners?

5. Do you ever think about walking in a manner worthy of your high calling?

Ministry Opportunities:

11th- VBS Informational Meeting -After Morning Service

13th- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm- Zoom link will be provided

14th – Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) and Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

"Choosing Sides" - 1 Samuel 20:35-36;41-42

Outline-June 4, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 20: 35-36; 41-42

Title: Choosing Sides

Quote: Mankind is made for relationship-vertical relationship with God and a

horizontal relationship with others.


I. Choosing Friendship ( vv. 4-34)

II. Choosing To Go Separate Ways ( vv. 35-36; 41-42)


1. What additional information did you learn from David and Jonathan’s


2. Have you ever been involved in a “Family Feud”? If yes, how was it


3. What did you learn from our discussion on family?

4. What did you learn from our “Four Lessons” discussion?

Ministry Opportunities:

10 th - PASS Hike For Life- Walk begins at 8:30

11 th - VBS- Informational Meeting

13 th - Advisory Board Meeting-7pm

24 th - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

"A Matter of Life Death" - 1 Samuel 20:1-3

Outline-May 28, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 20:1-3

Title: A Matter of Life and Death

Quote: When saints fall into the trap of trusting in their gifts and talents, faith

dies and fear gets a chokehold on the soul!


I. Sin Leading To Death (v. 1)

II. Life and Death (vv. 2-3)


1. Where do you flee when pressure/stress intensify in your life?

2. Where does fear drive you? What do you think of the following statement:

“Despite our best intentions, we often give in to fear more than we do to

faith”? What did you learn about the role fear plays in your life?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on the brevity of life?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on friendship?

Ministry Opportunities:

31 st - Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

31 st - Corporate Bible Study-8pm- Application Church of Pergamum

3 rd - Couples’ Small Group- “Healthy Conflict Management”- 10:30am

4 th - Lord’s Supper

" Causing Mess" - 1 Samuel 18:20-26

Sermon Outline- May 21, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:20-26

Title: Causing Mess

Quote: One of the terrible effects of sin-it makes you think you are right and

everybody else is wrong.


I. King Saul-The Great Instigator ( vv. 20-22)

II. King Saul- At It Again (vv. 23-26)


1. Do you struggle with interfering in other people’s lives? (i.e. mother-in-law,

father-in-law, etc.)

2. What did you learn from our discussion on being an instigator?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on types of women and men?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on “soul ties”?

Ministry Opportunities:

24 th - Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

24 th – Corporate Bible Study- 8pm ( Application Church of Pergamum)

28 th – Sunday School- “Causing Mess” Application Questions

“A Mother’s Comfort” - Isaiah 49:15 & 66:13

Text: Isaiah 49:15 & 66:13

  Title: “A Mother’s Comfort”

  Quote: Motherhood is a calling to receive not a perfection to achieve.


I. The Basis of Motherhood ( 66:13)

II. The Distortion of Motherhood (49:15)


1. What do you think of the fact that God compares Himself to a mother?

2. What was the greatest time your mother comforted you? What has been the greatest time that God has comforted you?

3. What did you think of our discussion on the Blessings and Challenges of Motherhood?

4. What do you think of the following statement: “Motherhood is a calling to receive not a perfection to achieve”?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on distortion of Motherhood?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th- Charter- 4pm

17th – Corporate Praise/Prayer-7pm and Corporate Bible Study-8pm

20th – Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast- 9:30am

21st – Kidz Zone

28th – Sunday School- 9:30 / Graduation Sunday- all High School and College Graduates

" Dealing With Hatin People" - 1 Samuel 18:12-19

Outline-May 7, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:12-19

Title: Dealing With Hatin People

Quote: We must learn the way of the Cross before bearing the weight of the Crown.


I. Animosity Connected to Ascendancy (vv.12-16)

II. Animosity Connected to Treachery ( vv. 17-19)


1. Have you ever become afraid of someone because you saw God’s favor upon the person?

2. Have you ever had a person that demonstrated animosity towards you?

3. Do you struggle with humility? Do you struggle with false humility?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on The Operation of Animosity, The Outcome of Animosity, How to Overcome Animosity?

Ministry Opportunities:

10th- Corporate Prayer and Praise (7pm)/Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

17th -Charter-4pm

20th- Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast-9:30am

28th -Sunday School-9:30

"Ducking Spiritual Spears" - 1 Samuel 18:10-11

Outline-April 30, 2023

Title: Ducking Spiritual Spears

Text: 1 Samuel 18:10-11

Quote: We must be careful not to attack those who have attacked us


I. Choosing Weapon of Choice (v.10)

II. Choosing to Duck (v.11)


1. What’s in your hand? An instrument of war or an instrument of worship?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on types of spears; methods of spear attacks; types of spear throwers?

3. Have you ever thought your “spear attacks” were not fair? If yes, why? If no, why?

4. What do you think of the following statement: “We must be careful not to attack those who have attack you?” 

5. Have you learn to duck?

Ministry Opportunities:

3rd- Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

3rd- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm ( Church of Pergamos)

4th- National Day of Prayer

6th – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30am

20th- Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast- 9:30am

“ I - Want More” - 1 Samuel 18:5-9

Outline-April 23, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:5-9

Title: “ I Want More”

Quote: Jealousy is due to our averting our eyes from the God of hope.


I. Dangers of Success ( vv. 5-7)

II. Success Leading To Jealousy ( vv. 8-9)


1. How well do you handle receiving praise/recognition? Do you desire

recognition? Why?

2. How often do you evaluate the benefits/blessings God has bestowed on


3. What did you learn from our discussion on “Possible Dangers of Success”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion on Jealousy? ( i.e. Unholy v. Holy,

Jealousy v. Envy, etc.)

5. What did you learn from our discussion about remedies of addressing

jealousy in our life?

Ministry Opportunities:

26 th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7pm

26 th – Corporate Bible Study -8pm

"You've Got A Friend," Scriptural Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Outline-April 16, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Title: You’ve Got A Friend 

Quote: The encouragement from a friend is priceless.


I. Nature of Friendship Uncommon Love ( vv. 1-2)

II. Nature of Friendship Covenant Love ( vv. 3-4) 

Sermon Application:

1. Do you have more associates and acquaintances than friends? How would you define a friend?

2. When you look back over your life, who do you give thanks to God for strategically placing in your life?

3. Have you ever made a covenant of love?

4. What did you learn from today’s message on – Characteristics of True Godly Friendship?

Ministry Opportunities/Announcements:

19th- Charter- 4pm

19th- Corporate Praise/Prayer-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study-Church of Pergamum-8pm

23rd- Sunday School- 9:30-10:30- Discussion will be based on Application Questions from today’s message

"Believe," John 20: 24-29

Outline- April 9, 2023

Text: John 20:24-29

Title: Believe

Quote: Unless we start with doubts, we cannot have a deep-rooted faith.


1. What role does doubt play in your life?

2. How do you feel when you miss out on an opportunity to gather for corporate worship?

3. What did you learn from our discussion on the three lessons concerning doubt?

4. What did you learn about our discussion on -Times Doubt Creeps In?

5. What did you learn about the difference between doubt and unbelief?

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Ministry Opportunities:

12th-Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

12th- Corporate Bible Study-Church of Pergamum

15th- Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30

16th – Kidz Zone

23rd- Sunday School-9:30-10:30

"Saints’ Battle Cry, " Text: 1 Samuel 17:48-54

Sermon Outline- April 2, 2023

Title: Saints’ Battle Cry

Text: 1 Samuel 17:48-54

Quote: I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. Mother Teresa


I. Battle Cry-Charge ( vv. 48-49)

II. Battle Cry-Let’s Go- ( vv. 50-54)


1. How often is your battle cry-charge? How long since you ran toward your battle/enemy?

2. What did you learn from our discussion concerning the “Four Things To Remember In Battle”?

3. What did you learn from the quote-“ There is no victory without a battle”?

4. How long since you loaded your sling and took a swing at your giant?

5. Does it motivate you when you see a saint facing their battles by faith in God?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Corporate Praise and Prayre-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study- 8pm

7th- Good Friday-6pm

8th- Sis. Owens’ Funeral- Wake- 9:30-10/ Funeral 10-11:30- All Nations Community Church 18620 Kedzie Ave., Homewood, IL

9th – Special Resurrection Sunday Service- 9am

"A Godly Perspective" = 1 Samuel 17:41-47

Outline-March 26, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:41-47

Title: A Godly Perspective

Quote: The one who by grace is walking by faith must not expect to be popular with men.


I. The Enemy’s Perspective ( vv. 41-44)

II. The Believer’s Perspective ( vv. 45-47)


1. What steps do you take to keep a godly perspective? Do you understand and appreciate the disdain the world has for you?

2. How well are you proclaiming God’s name?

3. What did you learn about Jehovah Sabaoth?

4. Are you battling using worldly weapons or divine weapons?

5. How does your life demonstrate there is a God?

6. Do you find yourself focusing on God’s faithfulness or your fears?

Ministry Opportunities:

29th- Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm

29th- Corporate Bible Study- Revelation 2- Church of Smyrna

1st – Couples’ Small Group- 10:30-“Lifelong Commitment”

7th – Good Friday-6pm

9th – Special Resurrection Service- 9am

"Dressed For Success" - 1 Samuel 17:38-40

Outline-March 19, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:38-40

Title: “Dressed for Success”

Quote: “We need a faith in the Living God Himself: Not In Human Methods-Human Weaponry.”


I. Saints Improperly Dressed For Battle ( v.38)

II. Saints Undressed For Battle (v. 39)

III. Saints Properly Dressed For Battle ( v.40)


1. Have you at times in your spiritual journey, tried to be someone you are not? Have you become a “mini ___________”?

2. During your spiritual journey, have you had to decline some advice because it wasn’t for you?

3. How do you define the words “victory” and “success”?

4. What did you learn from our discussion concerning David’s weaponry for battle?

Ministry Opportunities:

22nd- Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm); Corporate Bible Study-Church of Smyrna (8pm)

25th – Workshop- “Spiritual Battlefield”- 9:30-12:30- please register by contacting by phone- 708.335.0700 or by

26th – SSEFC Sunday School- 9:30am-10:30am

1st- Couples Small Group- 10:30-noon

7th- Good Friday Service- 6pm

9th- Special Resurrection Service- 9am-starting time

"Godly Preparation For Battle" Scriptural Text: 1 Samuel 17:31-37

Outline-March 5, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 17:31-37

Title: Godly Preparation For Battle

Quote: Our private victories make possible our public victories


I. David’s Resolve ( vv. 31-33)

II. David’s Remembers ( vv. 34-37)


1. How’s your spiritual resolve?

2. Has anyone ever questioned your ability, your capability even though you had demonstrated willingness? Do you have a better understanding of the difference between ability, capability, and willingness?

3. What triggers you to action? You being disrespected or God being disrespected?

4. What is your God-Story? How often do you remember it? How often do you share it?

5. What do you do to remember the presence and power of God?

Ministry Opportunities:

8th- Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) & Corporate Bible Study (8pm)

15th- Charter

18th- Ladies’ Small Group-10am

25th- Workshop- “Spiritual Battlefield“ 9:30am-12:30