
"Troubling News That Shakes Our Comfort Zone" - Nehemiah 1:8-11

May 17, 2020- Outline

Text:  Nehemiah 1:8-11

Title:  Troubling News That Shakes Our Comfort Zone


I.                Remembering and Repenting ( vv. 8-9)

II.              Redeeming and Revering ( vv. 10-11)

Quote:  Repentance is always difficult and the difficulty grows greater with delay.


1.     When God is transforming you, how do you normally respond?  When God desires to move you from your comfort zone, do you praise Him, or do you complain or ignore Him?

2.    What’s the difference between confession and repentance?  As a believer, do you confess more than you repent?  Why?

3.    Do you understand that God loves you not with feelings, but with an unconditional love? (i.e. agape love) How many people do you love with agape love, or is your love merely limited to your feelings?

4.    As one redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, how does this motivate you in your spiritual journey?

5.    What comfort zone(s) is/are God desiring to shake currently in your life?  If you say none, do you think this is actually true?

Ministry Opportunities

20th- Corporate Prayer-start promptly at 7 and shall end around 7:30/7:40

20th- Bible Study-8-9-  

·      Links to Prayer- and/or Bible Study should be received by Monday Evening. 

If this will be your first time to participate, please notify Sis. Wonda by Monday by 5pm.  

" Responding to troubling news" - Nehemiah 1:4-7

Text:  Nehemiah 1:4-7

Title:  Responding to Troubling News

Quote:  When God puts a burden on our heart, don’t try to escape it, for if you do, you miss the blessing God has planned for you.


I.               Responding and Identifying Troubling News (v.4)

II.             Acknowledging and Confessing Troubling News ( vv. 5-7)


1.    Faithful Servant of God test

A.    Do you have a concern for the things of God?

B.    Do you have a burden for the people of God?

C.    Do you a passion for the work of God?

Key:  The more/greater the concern, burden, passion- the more faithful of a servant you are.

2.    When was the last time you weep/mourned over sin, over the condition of the church?

3.    Have you been guilty of fasting for selfish reasons? ( i.e physical benefits, to impress others, etc.)

4.    Do you find yourself getting ahead of prayer?

5.    As you begin your prayers, what ascription do you give God?

"A Call To Restore : Receiving Troubling News" - Nehemiah 1:1-3


         Series Title-   “ A Call To Restore”

         Today’s Title- “ Receiving Troubling News”

Quote:  Facts do not cease to exit because they are ignored.

Point:   I.  Receiving Troubling News ( vv. 1-3)


1.     Today’s message addressed three kinds of people in the world.  Which kind of person most resembles you?  Why?

2.    This week write down the number of times God comforts you.  Praise Him each time He comforts you.

3.    Read Philippians 2:3-4- What steps can you take to live out these verses?

4.    What did you learn about the difference between concern and curiosity?

5.    What did you learn about gossip?  What about the acronym “THINK”?

6.    Are you faithfully living within God’s wall and gates?  What covenantal blessing awaits you if you are?

Ministry Opportunities:

Today-Virtual Lord’s Supper following this morning’s message

6th- Prayer ( 7:15pm-7:45) on FreeConference

1.    Call before 7:15- 978-990-5406 

2.    Enter Access Code- 8310363

6th – Bible Study (8pm-9pm)  You will receive new outline and link on Monday Evening.  If you would like to join us for the first time, please email Wonda ( before 5pm on Monday.

"Godly Learning- Part 2" - Phillippians 4:10-13

Text:  Philippians 4:10-13

Title:  Godly Learning- Part 2

Quote:  Contentment makes poor men rich; and discontentment makes the poor rich.


1.     Is your mindset one of contentment or of lack/want?  How do you think your mindset affects your walk?

2.    How much of your daily walk is based on “feelings”, and how much on what you “know”? 

3.    Have you been delivered from believing what you have is an indication of who you are?

4.    Read Proverbs 13:7- What do you learn from this verse?

5.    What do you think of the following statement:  When we realize the value of “grace” we will begin to also learn contentment.

6.     What additional lessons did you learn about contentment?

7.    According to today’s discussion on verse 13,-Do you speak the language of pessimism, presumption, or power?

8.    Do you have a better understanding- when Paul declares- God grace is sufficient?


      29th- Prayer 7:15-7:45-Free Conference Call link will be provided by Monday Evening.  As you enter the conference call be mindful if we are in the midst of praying not to interrupt our chorus of prayers.

  29th- Bible Study-8:00-9:00- Link and Handout will be provided by Monday Evening.  If you would like to participate for the first time- please contact Sis. Wonda so she may provide you with the link and outline.

May 3rd-  We will be live streaming at 11:00.  Following live stream we will be observing the Lord’s Supper for those who would like to participate.  Remember you will need your own juice and crackers.

Godly Learning- Part 1 - Philippians 4:10-13

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Text:  Philippians 4:10-13

Title:  Godly Learning- Part 1

Quote:  When our contentment is in Christ, we don’t have to have our situations change in order for us to be content.

Points:   I. Godly Contentment Found In God’s Providence- v. 10

              II.  Godly Contentment No Matter The Situation -v. 11


  1.  How much do you truly value your relationship with Christ?  What do you think of the following: The more you value your relationship with Christ the less you want?

  2. Is your sufficiency based on “Self-Sufficiency” or “Christ-Sufficiency?  How does your life demonstrate your basis of sufficiency?

  3. Do you become upset when others don’t take advantage of their opportunity to demonstrate God’s love towards you?  Have you ever missed judged someone’s opportunity? 

  4. From today’s message what did you learn about God’s Providence?

  5. What lessons did you learn from today’s message about Godly Contentment? 

Ministry Opportunity:

Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 8pm.  Remember you should receive zoom link on Monday evening. ( We will be completing last week’s outline)  If you would like to be a first-time participant please let Sis. Denny know by Wednesday afternoon, so she may add you to link.

This Wednesday- we shall have prayer time from 7:45-8pm for those who would like to pray.

"Because He Lives" - 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Text:  1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Title:  Because He Lives


Points:   I.  Importance of Resurrection ( vv. 12-14)

              II.  Hope of Resurrection ( vv. 15-19)



1.     As you share the Gospel message, how much emphasis do you place on the Resurrection?  Do you view the Resurrection as the central message to the 21stcentury church?  Why or Why not?

2.    It what way(s) does Christ’s bodily resurrection provide you hope?

3.    What can a dead savior do for the living? 

4.    Do you have a better understanding of John 3:16 after today’s message?

5.    How are you going to observe this Resurrection Sunday?  How are you going to observe future Resurrection Sundays?

Our Source For Our Resources- Part 3 Text: Mark 6:39-44

Title: Our Source For Our Resources- Part 3 Text: Mark 6:39-44


A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness.

Point III. Stomach-Filled Saints (vv. 39-44)


1. What are you holding onto? What are you unwilling to give to the Lord Almighty? Why?

2. What purely human calculations have you performed recently? Why did you leave the Lord out of your calculation?

3. Why do you normally bless your food before eating? Do you bless God for your snacks?

4. What did you learn from today’s message about brokenness?

5. What do you think about the following statement: A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness.

6. What do you think about the following statement: “We are not manufacturers; we are only distributors”?

7. The last time God had to grab your attention-how well did you respond? How long did it take you to thank Him?

Ministry Opportunities:

Wednesday Bible Study- 8:00pm on Zoom (Link will be sent Monday to all who participated last week- if you did not participate and would like link access-please email Wonda no later than Monday afternoon. Link and Outline will be sent out on Monday evening.

Good Friday- Family Devotion- take time to read- Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22:14-23; John 18-19 Resurrection Sunday- Lord Supper in our Homes(Reading 1 Cor. 11:23ff) (Remembering Lord Supper is only for believers) Resurrection Message at 11am

"Our Source For Our Resources"- Part 2 - Mark 6:33

Text: Mark 6:33-44 Title: Our Source For Our Resources- Part 2

Quote: Leave Jesus out of your calculations and you will come up short every time.


I. Fearful Saints- vv. 33-36

II. Faithless Saints- vv. 37-38

III. Stomach-Filled Saints- vv. 39-44


1. When was the last time God caught you off guard by what He requested you to do?

2. Have you ever allowed your “lack” to hinder you from doing what the Lord desired you to do?

3. What do you think of the following statement: Leave Jesus out of your calculations and you will come up short every time.

4. What do you think of the following statement: Faith goes beyond mental assent; it is an active confidence in what God will do.

5. What lessons/principles did you learn from today’s message about faith?

6. Do you understand the difference between faithfulness and faith?

Ministry Opportunity:

Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 8pm, 4/1- If you desire to join us on Zoom- please email no later than Monday evening your desired to participate. The church will provide you with an access link by Tuesday afternoon. Church will also provide you with handout to your email address no later than Tuesday evening.

We Do Not Own The Rights To The Prelude Songs

"Our Source For Our Resources p.1" - Mark 8:33-44


Text:  Mark 8:33-44

Title:  Our Source For Our Resources    Part I

Quote:  If we don’t come apart and rest-we’ll come apart.  Vance Havner


  1. Fearful Saints ( vv. 33-36)

  2. Faithless Saints ( vv. 37-38)

  3. Stomach-Filled Saints ( vv. 39-44)


  1. Throughout week read:  Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14

  2. How do you respond when your plans are interrupted?  How are you dealing with the interruptions caused by COVID-19?

  3. What did you learn about the difference between pity and compassion?  Do you demonstrate more pity than compassion?

  4. Do you like your life without a shepherd?  Or are you your own shepherd?

  5. Have you learned to trust the Lord Almighty to provide all of your sustenance?

  6. What did you learn about fear?  ( i.e. Degrade our Relationship with God:  Destroy your Life; Delight your Enemy, etc. )

  7. Read/Study: Isa. 41:10; 2 Timothy 1:7; Gen. 15:1; Prov. 29:25)

*Bible Study- 8pm on Zoom.  

"The Haves and The Have-Nots P.2" - James 1:9-112 

SSEFC 3/15/20 "The Haves and The Have-Nots P.2" - James 1:9-112 


Hold material goods and wealth on a flat palm and not in a clenched fist. -Allister Begg


I. The Poverty of Richness (v.10) 


1. Before today's message did you view yourself as a "rich" / a "have" saint? Why or why not? After today's message did you view yourself differently? Why or why not? 

2. Before today's message did you desire to be a "have" saint? Why or why not? Di you appreciate their trial? 

3. What role(s), if any, do "pride" and "grace" play on a rich saints eternal perspective? 

4. Do you use your "richness" in light of eternity? 

“Prepare for Battle" - Joshua 5:13-15

SSEFC 3/8/20 "Prepare for Battle" - Joshua 5:13-15 


Prepare for Battle 


Victory comes when we realize that we cannot win without GOD. 


  1. How difficult is it to give up control? Do you see submission as weakness or failure?  

2. If prayer is an admission of dependence on GOD , how strong is your prayer life? 

3. How much pride do you take in what you do without GOD? 

4. To lose to GOD is to win with GOD. Are you a sore loser? 

SSEFC 3/2/20 - "The Have And The Have - Notes p.1 " - James 1:9-12 

SSEFC 3/2/20 - "The Have And The Have - Notes p.1 " - James 1:9-12 


I. The Haves 

II. The Have-Nots 


"It is only reasonable that this short life be lived in light of eternity - Charles Spurgen" 

Application : 

1. Do you live your life with an earthly perspective or a heavenly perspective? 

2. If you are a saint in "humble circumstances"  do you see yourself as blessed / in a high position? Why or why not? 

3. What do you think about the following statement? Worry is wasting today's time cluttering up tomorrows opportunities with yesterday's troubles? 

4. Are you glorifying/ rejoicing in your "humbled circumstances" or living in despair? 

ssefc 2/23/20 "Wisdom to know you don't know p.2" - James 1:5-8

ssefc 2/23/20 "Wisdom to know you don't know" p.2  - James 1:5-8


I. Wisdom in Asking (v.6) 

II. Unwise Expectations (vv.7-8) 


"Doubt is not the absence of faith, but is the questioning of faith"


1. What did you learn about your faith level after today's message? What did you learn about your doubt level after today's message? 

2. How has doubt affected your faith? 

3. During your last trial, were you tossed to and fro? What about the one before that? 

4. Spiritual Roadkill - can you personally relate? Have you witnessed spiritual roadkill with a close brother or sister in Christ? 

ssefc 2/16/20 "Wisdom to know you dont know" p.1 - James 1:5-8 

ssefc 2/16/20 "Wisdom to know - you dont know" p.1 - James 1:5-8 


1. Lacking Wisdom (v.5a) 

2. Pursuing Wisdom (v.5b-c) 


Knowledge can be memorized. Wisdom must be thoughtfully and prayerfully lived. 


1. What is your working definition of spiritual wisdom: Do you live more by knowledge than spiritual wisdom? Why? 

2. What did you learn about the 3-S's of wisdom? (i.e. Source, Supply, Sympathy). 

3. What did you learn about the wonderful blessings of wisdom? 

4. Do you view GOD as a generous giver? If so, why? If not, why not? 

SSEFC 2/9/20 "Knocked Down But Not Out p.2" - James 1:1-4

SSEFC 2/9/20 "Knocked Down but not out p.2" - James 1:1-4 


1. The Purposeful Jab (v.3) 

2. The Perfect Result (v.4) 


"Without trials , we would never develop endurance."


1. Do you understand that you cannot control the trials that you will face? (i.e. being good, being smart, etc.) 

2. What is the significance of James starting verse 3 with the word "knowing" ?

3. How well do you endure trials? What did you learn about perseverance and patience? 

4. What is meant by the statement: "maturity is developed only by the laboratory of life?" 

SSEFC 2/2/20 "Knocked Down But Not Out" - James 1:1-4

ssefc 2/2/20   "Knocked Down But not Out" - James 1:1-4 


1. Faith and Trials (v.1) 

2. Paradox in Trials (v.2) 

Application : 

1. When did you first begin to view yourself as a bond-servant of GOD? 

2. How does your faith demonstrate itself? 

A. In your Trials 

B. How we treat people 

C. What you say

D. How you pray

3. What do you think of the following statement: "The type Christianity that has "no experience of a changed life" is no Christianity at all" 

4. Do you understand the difference between trials and temptations? 

5. How do you view your trials?

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

 I.  Planned Life ( vv. 15-16)

II.   Precious Thoughts ( vv. 17-18)


1.  How "protected" do you know you are?  How "protected" do you feel?

2.  Have you ever thought of the birth of a child being an accident/mistake?  Have you ever told someone or were you ever told that you were an accident/mistake?

3.  What do you think of the statement:  Not only did God take care in creating us, but He did it all for a purpose-His purpose.

4.  What impact does it have on you that God is thinking about you?

sermon 1/19/20 "A Cherished Life " - Psalm 139:13-16 p.1  

sermon 1/19/20 "A Cherished Life " - Psalm 139:13-16 p.1  


I. Personal and Precise Life (vv. 13-14) 

II. Planned and Precious Life (vv. 15 - 16) 

Quote: GOD cherishes what HE created. 


1. As believers, have you given ownership of your body/ your life to GOD? 

2. When did you realize that GOD was interested in you? What do you think about the fact that GOD was interested in you before you were even born? 

3. Why do you think the concept of "sanctity" is not being taught in the church? (Sanctity of Life, Sanctity of Marriage, Sanctity of Bedroom, etc. )

4. As you read Psalm 139 - do you normally focus on the creation more than the Creator? Why? 

ssefc 1”/12/20 In His Time - p.2 " - Jeremiah 29:10-14 

ssefc 1”/12/20 In His Time - p.2 " - Jeremiah 29:10-14 


I. Lean on HIM (vv. 12 - 13) 

II. Rely on HIM (v.14) 


Anything that causes you and me to cry out to GOD is a great gift of HIS grace! 


1. What are you doing to actively pursue GOD? 

2. What did you learn about the three P's of prayer (practice , promise, persistence)? 

3. What did you learn about the dangerous sand traps of prayer (own agenda, own desires, wrong places) ? 

4. What do you think about the following statement: There is no greater power available to mankind than prayer? 

5. What has GOD restored to you lately after a period of refining? 

ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 

ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 


I. GOD's timing (v.10) 

II. GOD's Plan (v.11) 


Be patient - GOD has HIS timing all worked out! 


1. How do you deal with GOD using you to share news and / or a message that will probably not be well received? 

2. In what areas did GOD refine you in 2019? Was it pleasant or painful? 

3. How much does your timing line up with GOD's timing? Do you , at times, foolishly believe that you can hurry GOD's timing? Do you truly believe that GOD;s timing is perfect?